NHL vs NFL..

woaaaa, racist.:spank:

you can go 85-4 in hockey and be eliminated from contention in the first round if you happen to lose the wrong 4 out of 7. That’s too many damn games that mean nothing. The worst you can do in football is the old 16-1, right up there with the patriots’ 18-1.

the poll is just NHL vs NFL

and NFL is clearly greater than NHL. Just in terms of entertainment and shear amount of hornyness built up on a sunday morning.

not saying i don’t like hockey because I do, but this is buffalo, one of the few places that are entertained by hockey.

so if hockey is “just pushing off and gliding” and “just looking for the open guy in front” then football is just running, and playing catch with your team, right? :gotme:

lol yup. there both pretty stupid when you get to the basics.:smiley:

haha much like anything :slight_smile: but at those levels its anything but!

Very valid point, and it explains why the NFL seems to have a larger fan base. Suspense. There’s always the chance your team could pull through.

Hell NY Giants were the fucking Wildcard last year and look what happened. It’s stories like that, which make football great to watch for me.

Reading what most of you jackasses are posting, NBA > *

look at these idiots

NBA fails lol

Arguing the sports athletic validity is just stupid guys… Obviously both take their own respective amount of ability and these guys (in both sports) obviously have been doing what they are doing since they were very young.

Let me ask this hypothetical… The NFL and NHL had a 1 game season which both occurred on the same night which one would you watch…???

exactly! ans is NFL! lol

Last 2 minutes of each sport…

football, okay we have the ball lets just kneel it and run the clock out…

hockey, those last 120 seconds are way more intense than walking out of the bills stadium going… “wow that was gay.”

that was fucking retarded.

lets say…

the football game has 2 minutes or less left and a tie game? most exciting part of any sport

and the hockey game a team has a 5 to 1 lead, then they glide around for a whole period doing nothing

you sir fail.

isn’t that kinda the same point of this thread? :stuck_out_tongue: still NHL

Well… I dont even know how I feel about this one… I was just wondering how people feel about the sport itself independent from the Season/Playoff structure

i think hockey is for smelly canadians. there i said it. :smiley:

Wow you pulled those numbers out of everything I said. Good for you.

Once in a blue moon is a football game tied in the last 2 minutes. Or atleast this season. I can recall (w/out zomg googling stats) atleast once I watched a game goto overtime… And wow… lets get it in range for a field goal. Game over.

I’ve seen plenty of hockey teams put a 4-1, 4-2, whatever lead to shame in the last minutes of a hockey game.

stfu n00b

lol hang yourself?
