NHL vs NFL..

saying either hockey or football has no strategy or requires no skill is retarded. but i do agree hockey players are typically classier off the ice then football players are off the field, keeping in mind im a big fan of both sports.

woa, there is absolutly nothing classy about a mullet. hockey is teh fail.:tdown:

You’ve obviously never played hockey before or else you’d think differently. Football is far more basic than hockey. Hockey actually requires precision and a lot of talent to skate as fast as they do, stop, slap a puck out of mid air, hit the puck with a stick, put it where they want in the net, etc etc.

Football is one dementional, each player has one job. The lineman blocks, thats it, the receiver catches, thats it, the running back runs the ball and occasionally catches it, thats it. In hockey every player has the to be able to do the same thing his teammate is capable of.

Now don’t get me wrong I love football, but your point of hockey is a BASIC sport is just silly.

mullets are SO VERY classy.

mullet vs dreds, lets put it to a vote.

wow i own 2 Fbodies and i play hockey…yet ive never had a mullet…is something wrong with me?:eekdance:

lol hockey was the first sport i ever learned. Ive played organized ice hockey, fun roller hockey and organized floor hockey. i however prefer football since ive played this as well. Way bigger rush and ALOT more physical contact. Like i said, in football your getting contact everydown. in hockey if your not touching the puck your not getting hit. And if you do get hit its interference and a penalty.

So you’re all about the physical contact…

I’d rather lay some kid out with his head down, than having to grab some dude every play.

I wouldn’t give up puck handling to hold some big guys hand every 45 seconds.

QFT…the only contact in hockey is a player being belted into the boards by another player skating about >10 m.p.h

edit: Or a fist fight

right youd wrather lay some kid out with his head down because hockey is full of cheap shots. thats realy classy. Id rather run a football at 100% speed head on into another player going 100% to see who is left standing. Football is a true contact sport. hockey is a cheap shot sport.

Lmao dude thats a really dumb statement… Hockey is in by no means basic but Football takes a lot more thought and coordination between many many people in order to be an efficient unit (All 54 players 20 or so coaches, even the GM)

In hockey you can slide any player in any role and he can more or less do it. This is the reason a player can get traded, dress and start a hockey game in one day and still put up 4 points.

that isn’t a cheap shot… You are supposed to keep your head up…same thing goes for football.

but you could be throwing hits :slight_smile:

have you played any higher intensity teams? roller hockey and floor hockey are typically no hit but if your in a competitive check league it can get pretty physical. ide say its just as big a rush running with the football as it is skating with the puck, always looking for openings, same possibility of getting hit hard, or laying a big hit from the defensive stand point.

If you skate with your head down, you don’t belong in the sport. First of all…

How is that cheap??? Thats how you advance in hockey. Seperate the men from the boys…

Look at Timmy from the Sabres. Always skating with his head down…

The RJ Umberger hit, I guess that was a cheap shot, because he hit him breaking out of the zone with the puck. Hockey is a heads up sport.

You never got to Jr’s have you?

Yeah but you liked that physical contact everyplay… well except if your defense is on the field. Then you get a nice break to relax.

seriously, everyone just stop talking, there are so many ridiculous comments being made that my head is going to explode :bloated:

edit i take that back, not EVERYONE lol

would you consider a CB or DE blindsiding an unsuspecting QB a clean hit?

I just like every play being 100% and intense. In hockey theres alotta setup, and passing back and forth. Sometime i feel like falling asleep watching the sabres try to setup on a friggin power play. then they spend another 2minutes passing it back and forth not even taking shots. gets realy annoying and old very fast.

Whatever, turbobim is right, we’re all wrong.

Does this surprise anyone…

or a quarters worth of run plays up the middle to set up a play action pass? :slight_smile:

we could go back and forth with this alllllllllllll day/night lol its pointless

or clearing the puck down the ice when oponents on power play.:smiley:

short handed goal.

interception run back for td.