Motion to ban major league baseball from existance

normally I dont really give a fuck what to pansies in pinstripes do, but now that football season is started its seriously interfering with my ability to get highlights on Sportscenter.

naw, baseball is tits dude


i cant get into it anymore. i liked it when i was little but now i have no desire to watch it. i wont knock it, cause i know many ppl still do like it (this coming from a die-hard hockey fan), like hockey…so i have no room to talk. at this point in the year though, i really dont care about baseball and it does interfere with football, hockey highlights

we’re not talking regular season baseball…its the WORLD SERIES…

sorry to inform you but world series is more inportant than regular season football.

maybe not to you but any normal person should realize that from a reporting & news prospective it takes priority over regular season football.

NFL sack riders get on my nerves.
thats why i’m sick of Pgh ESPN radio

F baseball and basketball. just think, march madness is coming up

^^ should have edited we to we’re and them to than also

:rofl: we have a comedian…LOL…

STFU…you knew what i ment

I Motion to ban Darkstar


edit: just realized u did fix them, nice work

my bad thought you were trying to be a smart ass. :bigthumb:

who gives a fuck? I mean SERIOUSLY. its the gayest, lamest “sport” ever invented. you sit on your ass half the game, the other half you stand around scratching your balls. Golf is more exciting. They need to stop televising it, and at the end of the year, do a little highlight video of all the fights, and be done with it. One of the biggest mistakes Pittsburgh ever made was building PNC Park. That should have been a hockey arena/civic center.

And as if the game wasnt boring/worthless enough, they set it up with no salary cap so big market teams like the Yankees and Red Sox can just buy up all the talent and win year after year. :rofl:

keep talking like that and I’ll motion to permaban your cock from my ass.

pirates are winning the stanely cup in 08, then you baseball haters will see whats up, van slyke is comin back and sinkin 3 pointers all match long

pokers better,dont think!

apperently u dont watch that much baseball, b/c the red sox acutally didnt have a crazy salary

your complaining about it sucking up TV time…

trust me no sport sucks up more TV & radio time then football.

& ESPN is the Entertainment & sports performance network…if you want more football watch the NFL network.

all i’m saying is that when you turn on sportscenter right now you should expect to see world series stuff first…period

just like in a few weeks once baseball is over & basketball & hockey start, come tues mornings I expect to see monday night football highlights first.
do i care to see that first…NO…but i expect it.

@ least sports center prioritizes its stuff half decent unlike other sports media…
ESPN sports radio (non-national brocasts) & Pgh TV like the alby oxen-whatever show…they suck @ reporting sports news.

As opposed to football, where they play for 5 sec at a time, for a total of 3 minutes per game, despite the 60 minutes of supposed game time. Also, what’s up with one game a week? Hockey, Baseball, 7 game series to decide anything. Hockey is the most entertaining of the highly televised professional sports in this country.

Football can be fun to watch, but it’s not a “better” sport. All of the stadiums were mistakes, if the team doesn’t bring in the revenue to support itself, why should taxpayers who voted against it, be forced to foot the bil?