Motion to ban major league baseball from existance

shoeless heinz ward > world series

football can only have 1 game a week because there is that much involved in studying an opponent to have an efficient game, not to mention the physical demands put on by football, baseball doesnt take anything from you, hockey players are hard-core foreigners who suck it up and play a sport thats almost as demanding physically, but nowhere near as intricate to need to prep for different opponents differently

just my opinion, having played all 3 sports

true but i would say more punishing …not more physically demanding

B.S. :rolleyes:

without babe ruth sports the way it is now might have been set back 40 years. while not fast paced and physically punishing baseball is about eye hand cordination, endurance over a long season and TONS of traveling, situational strategy. etc etc…

you’ve apparently either never played baseball at a very high level, or u were a bench warmer. ur flat out full of shit trashing baseball the way you do.

i’m not gonna bash football b/c i love football, and i never liked hockey, but in recent years, i’ve come to enjoy watching it in person, not so much on tv.
but baseball is not the woosy sport that some ppl make it out to be. It takes skill and precision, on both sides of the field. Not that the other sports don’t, but come on… half the posts in this are absolutely, rediculously retarted.

The world series is a big deal, like it or not…

never did i say no skill is involved, but to prep for another team is not as needed, neither is the amount of rest needed…all 3 require alot of skill and the least precise skill level required is most positions from football, skill was never a debate…read b4 posting…rest & strategy, baseball i quit b4 highschool so you are correct, hockey i quit even earlier, still have alot of respect for the game of hockey from friends that played, friends that were baseball players in highschool (bethel park) and college (Cal U) all loved how incredibly not demanding the sport was physically

play a major league season in stead of a high school 20 game season and tell me its not demanding. night after night, day after day from february till october. JET LAG??

you have the blink of an eye to decide to swing, where to swing, if the ball is breaking, if its fast or slow, if its a ball or strike. more often than not in baseball you will fail at hitting, meaning less than 50 %, less than 40%.

do you know there is no sports thats statistically analyized like baseball. maybe you don’t watch game films as much as football but scouting other teams is TEN fold in baseball what it is in football. charting pitches, tendencies, past history against a pitcher… you have no clue.

this is again more of a debate of precision, never an arguement, ALL SEASON im sure can beat u up from traveling too much, NOT the GAME ITSELF. the game is not physically demanding nearly as much as either hockey or football but the choice of how to have their seasons played out is

thank you for supporting what ive posted so far

so you have to read an already posted stat and say his tendencies are this, this, this, and this?

honest question, the players arent writing the stats or doing any work in that aspect, what are THEY doing to figure this out?

Come on now, half the NFL players couldn’t pass the high school GED test. If you don’t believe me, watch some interviews, I can’t believe how pathetic their english is. What kind of “strategic preparation” are those guys doing?

there are players that probly cant even write, but sit them down with a playbook and you’ll never keep up with what their even talking about, although I DO SUPPORT what your saying, an offensive tackle doesnt need as much to prep as either baseball or hockey players, but some of the positions take alot into consideration

pitchers in baseball need to to their homework or they will get lit up…and if hitters don’t do their homework to keep up with pitchers they will look foolish. brute strength will not make you good baseball player like it can a good football player.

HERE is the perfect example of how hard baseball is…you take possibly the two best athletes of our time Michael jordan and bo jackson… MJ was the best basketball player ever and a supurb athlete, look how he struggled with all of his abilities to play baseball. Bo jackson, heisman winner, great running back who played football because it was a “Hobby” as he put it and excelled at it. he played baseball because it what he really worked at and wanted to do and only at the time he got hurt was he really starting to succced… DEION SANDERS…maybe the best cover corner in the NFL…TREMENDOUS abilities…he was a basically a bum who could steal some bases in baseball.

as is the same with baseball…
as a fielder, you may only need to have an idea as to where this guy likes to hit the ball, but you just have to be ready for anything. As a pitcher or catcher, you must know every single hitter on the other team. what their tendencies are… where they hit the ball, where they whif, what they prefer to do on a certain pitch count, and so on and so on… if that’s not preparation, what is? every game takes preparation - football, when the defense is on the field, the quaterback sits and looks at screen shots of shit - hockey, well i dont know shit about hockey, so i wont comment - baseball, you have to be prepared for anything when you walk out on the field

what i dont get, is you admit that you didnt play baseball past little league - so how can you say it takes very little preparation or very little physical strain? If it didnt, would steroids be such a problem, as they are?

yes people who have not developed the precision skill required to play baseball do not do well, again NEVER AN ARGUEMENT

will you stop areguing things that were never a debate in this thread? NOONE has argued the precision skill level

this just in, to play any game at a pro level is physically demanding

the arrgument about baseball playing 162 games or 164 i always mess that up, or plyaing a football game once a week is like apple and ornges.

football, u will not play a full 60 secs. but the average play is 7 secs. in those 7 secs u are flat out killing urself in most postions. it is a very physical game.

plus unlike baseball wehere u just find out were a batter likes to hit the ball, if he likes it high and outside or low and inside, football you must learn a lot about the team u play next week, there are no real plays in baseball, what happens kinda happens and since the 5th grade you should know what to do with the ball. ie where to throw it based on how many ppl are on base or how many outs etc., etc., Football you have to learn tendencys of what the time will do, when they line up in a certain formation whos doing what, what play might u see, what blitz package they are doing.

baseball is not physical in the aspect of hitting everyplay tring to rip someones head off or juke a tackle. baseball is rought that its almost every single day. i couldnt imagnie pitching a whole season, yes i know therre is a rotatoin but still its crazy to pitch like that esp in the playoffs

i see what you’re saying, so as far as needing to prep for an opponent its similar, (still holding my biased opinion) i agree more with you now, just think theres a little more involved with football’s prep for an opponent

Cleanquick said football has a good bit of prep, obviously baseball has just as much if not more, but lacks the bone-crunching hits.

darkstar is the one that called baseball the “gayest, lamest “sport” ever invented”:ban:

the real question of this thread should be is darkstar overcompensating for something that happend on a baseball field as a child…or the fact that he probably sucks at sports and was picked last in gym class a lot.

were there not certain QBs in the league that were also able to be drated to be Pitchers?? it goes both ways, michale jordan did not succed well in baseball, b/c he never put enough time into like he did basketball…if he would have souly focused on baseball his whole life he prob would have been amazing, MJ could not play great at the Pro level in baseball, but he could in the Miniors which i know i cant

honestly, i can see your argument, and i’m sure it can be toiled over all day…

just defending the sport i’ve played and loved since i could walk - find myself having to do it more often than i care to