Casino - Arena plan for Pens


There were plans to build a slot machine/casino/horse track/gambling place out my way in Chippewa. They had plans ready and were ready to go and that ideal got shot down by the PA gambling commission. I would love to have one of them closer than Mountaineer, especially INSTEAD of a giant field in the middle of BFE. Not to mention the tax dollars it would of brought to my crumby county. But oh well, i’ll give WV my money instead…

I’ll believe it when it’s built and opened.

really i could careless if they gat 1 or not.

they truely do not deserve a new stadium… nor do they need one.

maybe if they would start winning games and get more backing all around but they haven’t done that.

I agree 100% until they prove to the city that they can win games, theres no need to build them anything let alone a brandy new stadium.

In my eyes the steelers are the only team that deserves anything they got for their year after year good performances

well then plan on driving to KC to watch em play.

they deserve a stadium. they have a strong back ground of young guys now and have played a lot better with new coaching. on top of the fact they pack their stadium now sold out everynight

they still haven’t done anything…if you were going on potential the pirates “above .500” bullshit they say every year then they would have 7 stadiums one for each day of the week, what it comes down to is PRODUCE FIRST then you get what you deserve

its also not just about the pens playing there…

that thing is sooo old and soo out dated…and that place gets/and could get more business if it was newer…hold more events there

city screwed up when they made that damn convention center…should have made one big thing that could also hold hockey games

why do you care. you aren’t goin to spend tax dollars on it. unlike the steelers and pirates.

I’d rather them spend tax money on a steelers stadium then not spend it and give the penguins something they don’t deserve. I’m a big supporter of produce and you will recieve, they haven’t proven shit to me other than they can skate on ice, and any 5 year old can do that I’ve seen it at schenley park

^^^your a moron

pens definitely deserve a new arena they are selling out alot of their games, priates aint ahd a winning season since i was 5 so why did they get one and we all know within the next year or 2 this team will be a major contender with prospects we have now and next year.

Well at least the steeleres are good the pirates and pens are another story…They think that building a new stadium will bring more people in and make them better wrong that aint gonna happen

the pirates will never be good as long as the MLB is the way it is, they need a new collective bargaining argreement like hockey and then maybe the pirates will have a chance

the steelers are good because of fluke wins so how does that mean they deserve a new stadium? they went 15-1 by the skin of their teeth last year and progressivly played worse as the season went on, this year they are on a roll now but sucked and lost to terrible teams mid season. they beat the bengals on a comeback fluke.

they still PRODUCE year after year call it whatever you want, they consistently put up good numbers

<ricer> it doesn’t matter if you win by and inch or a mile winnings winning </ricer>

first off sam… please wake the fuck up.

2… you talking shit on the steelers has nothing to do with anything… ontop of that you try to state fact and you’re incorrect… how could htey play progressively worst as the season went on when they went 15-1 and lost in the AFC championship? wtf are you talking about comeback ‘fluke’

the ‘fluke’ is america allowing hockey to be a sport again :wink:


will you people stop arguing about the new arena based on if you like th penguins or not? who fucking cares.

point is that a private company is offering to build an arena AS LONG AS the gambling bill is passed… meaning they are trying to purchase legislation wtih the promise of building the arena…

we should make them put their money up front and start building the damn arena if they want without any regard to what the gambling situation is here in pittsburgh… then we will see the true colors.


if i ever met u…id think id hit u in the face…just for how stupid u are


anyways…after watching the pens play last night, i couldnt care less is they got a new arena…just as long as it was bigger for better monster truck shows…graaaaaaaaaavvve diiiiiigger