Casino - Arena plan for Pens

Since Hockey didn’t exist in America last year… MOST Arenas are selling out Hockey games. This isn’t just because the Penguins are awesome, or that there are that many people who want to see them. People all over the country decided to pay 35- 100 dollars more for Hockey tickets for whatever reason they have.

IMO. The Penguins do not deserve a new arena, or a new location until they prove they can win games.

pens have done more recently then the pirates have done. they havent won crap since the 70s. last time they were in a penent race was early 90s and lost bonds. pens have atleast been in the playoffs a few years ago.

also they use the arena for other things then just hockey

like monster trucks…

plus the pirates will always suck ass

I dont really agree with that. Explain to me then why baseball didn’t do the same thing after they lost a season and the world series in 94?

Everytime there has been a sport that has lost a season because of a work stoppage, the fans typically do not go back immediately. Most cities, actually, are struggling with seating in their arenas this year. The only places that are doing well are places with very loyal fans (Detroit, Montreal, Toronto) Fortunately for the Penguins, they have alot of loval and devoted hockey fans in the Pgh area.

I think that Pittsburgh is just too much of a blue collar town to enjoy baseball, especially when the team sucks. I think hockey and football work here b/c they are brutal, tough sports that the people here can identify with.

Normally I would be of the school that they should all pay for their own stadiums, but since the Steelers AND Pirates got one, it should only be fair that the Penguins recieve one as well. We become a third tier city with the loss of the Penguins IMO

dont say fans are loyal to the pens…i was at games and the year before the lock out…and you could sit anywhere you wanted to…

and the pirates would have a decent team…if somebody actually spent the money that he makes…

if mark cuban would buy the pirates…it would be a whole different story in 2 years

where is the information about the arenas having trouble filling? I have family and a few friends and 2 parts of the country who say the exact opposite. Family a nd Friends who work for 2 different arenas.

the arena looked pretty filled at the game last night…they just played like shit

You’re right. I was a season ticket holder that year as well, but alot of people It hink might have been an abberation because of the impending strike… Probably a shithole excuse, but I’m just wondering what kind of effect that had.

Jenn - I’ll look some of those numbers up. I read it on TSN maybe a month or two back but ill look them up tomorrow when im bored at work :zzz:

i dont think the penguins DESERVE an arena because the steelers, and pirates got one. thats rediculous…
but they are selling out like crazy and from a business standpoint, why wouldn’t you give them an arena with more seats?
the isle of capri obviously feels that it’s worth the investment… they’ve got casino’s all over the planet and make a bagillion dollars.
the arena wont cost you anything unless you A. like hockey and want to watch. or B. have a gambling fix, in which case what the hell do you care where your money goes after you drop it in the machine?
i really dont see why everyone gets their panties in a twist over this…

Answer me how in the fuck u go 15-1 by the skin of your teeth come the fuck on be realistic and think about what the fuck u r sayin :madfawk:

obviously you didn’t watch any games last year after they beat indy and NE. they BARELY beat losing record teams and should have lost to the jets in the playoffs without a doubt.

this year: they lose 3 games straight 1 to a 2-9 team at the time I believe they play half decent to beat the bears which really isn’t all that tough since the bears don’t put up any points, then run all over 2 teams that suck massive nuts and luck out against the bengals who, by watching their first two offensive plays, should have walked all over the steelers. all this from a team that plays 16 games a year with at least 1 week inbetween the games. with that much rest and practice time a “great team” like you say they are should NEVER lose a game. period.

I guess no one watched the game tonight then? they sucked but beat some major ass in 6 fighting majors and all players on the ice fights tonight. it at least shows they have some fight in them.

PS- I would not want my tax dollars goin to a pussy ass sport like football to build a fluke of a team a new stadium because the act like contenders for 2 seasons. at least the pirates and pens have young players to build on. the steelers have old dudes that are goin to retire soon. big ben is not goin to fix that

yes and when we lost to that crappy team…what was the conditon of our team??? oh ya not 100% b/c ben, and some of the linebackers were not playin…stfu faggot

you’re on your own on that one.


just let him go… he is half retarded

Pussy ass sport like fooball your ass probably never toucked anything but a fucking golf club or a fucking flute so dont even be talking shit on football :madfawk:

bwahhhh…your right…football dork

:steelers: Ok band whore u will never win on this dumb ass thread talkin shit on the steelers :madfawk:

just half???

booohooo can’t admit steelers aren’t the best team and football players with all their pads are pussies…

Pads are for one thing and men aren’t supposed to have that problem

lets play pick up football boy!!!