I never said Canada was perfect. No country is. Everyone has their problems.
And I meant no disrespect to you or your brother. It is a sacrifice for anyone willing to go to war for their country. I was merely pointing out that much of our debt can be contributed to the fact that the US helps everyone else but themselves. And we wonder why we are in such a hole.
Maybe the people of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Haiti, Somalia, etc should pay the US back… lol, I think we’d have a better chance of seeing the Somalian ice hockey team beat Canada!
It really comes down to goaltending in these big games. USA would have had a much harder time without Miller. Most likely they don’t beat Canada in their first matchup without Miller in net. Likewise, I think Canada would have had a much better chance if they had Luongo in the net in the first game against the US. But they made the right move going to him after that game and taking the harder route to the gold. Even the Swiss gave the Canadians a run, and it was mostly thanks to the play of Hiller. Nabokov was a letdown for the Russians, but I’ve never been a fan of his play either.
That’s great that you have family over seas fighting so other not so well off people can have a chance at a decent life. But don’t think that you’re a special case because of it either.
Check this link out and see how lopsided the international effort is. http://icasualties.org/
No disrespect at all man. Im lucky that he came back ok, other people are not so fortunate.
I do agree though about wondering when these countries will help the USA out, because they certainly didnt come running to help stimulate the economy, rather they took their money and ran.
Absolutely man. Because Im one of those people who takes the internet wayyyyy too seriously. Now lets get back to serious internet business. :spank: