Living Arrangements w/poll

Yeah the renters are still sleeping. :mamoru:

Im not voting unless FRY edits it to say “I live off of your tax dollars”.

Also no way most of the I “rent” from my family crew will vote.


22 here…and i feel the same :frowning:

Renters are not proud enough to vote… especially the family rent category.


I rent. Too young to own and don’t feel like living at home.

Fry and Greenbull, do you guys plan on staying in your current houses for years to come?

or just minor fixes and then upgrading?

i dunno, im not too proud to admit i “rented” from the parents when i was 30. i sure do miss spending money like it grows on trees.

I used to rent a Cottage, but down here on LI rent is retarded. i just moved back home with my Parents. I payed $1200/month plus utilities for a 1 bedroom Cottage.

im retarded and i clicked the wrong option.

i clicked that i rent from my family.


i do not, i own my own home (double).


ps, i suck.

~5 years. House > Rent for quality of life if nothing else. Hopefully I’ll at least break even relative to renting, if not make a few bucks. But I’ll finish my MBA in like 3 years. So hopefully there will be a bit of a step change in my salary, plus I’m married and we have 2 incomes. So by 5 years from the time I bought my house I should be able to upgrade to a house/town we’ll want to stay in for 10+ years.

If plans don’t work out, then oh well. I’m living somewhere that’s still nice and I can easily afford. 1800 sq-ft, 2 full baths, and an oversized 2 car garage so it’s not like I’m cramped.

ehh, doesn’t matter to me. My parents are hooking me up with an awesome place to live while i am in school. I can swallow my pride for that :slight_smile: Hell my dad is selling the house I live in now and is gonna buy another one for me to live in when I graduate. I will be paying full rent at that one until I decide that I am living in a place where I want to settle down for a while. At that point, I will buy a house of my own.

lol my escrow payment is under that. <3 Buffalo

You’re not swallowing pride, you’re boasting that you’re… what’s the word… oh yeah… Smart!

ya, same here. been there about 2.5 years, hoping to upgrade in the next 2-3(providing adequate raises). Hoping to get a few acres and a bigger garage. 2.5 car is nice, but i always seem to be cramped regardless.
but kids in the near future could slow that plan :baby:

Bought my house in August (age 27 at the time)

I keep saying i have a 5 year plan for my house currently, but who knows what will come my way. My house is only 1200sqft 3bed 1bath Cape with a measely 1.5 car garage. Its more than enough for me right now so im not complaining. Im also hoping to go back to school either this semester for atleast an associates and go from there.

yeah, i know. I just don’t like to come off as spoiled or anything.

Hey its the smart thing to do spoiled or not. The dumb thing would be if you were like FU parents i want to rent my own place without your stupid help!!! My parents used to help me out too and i remember it was freakin sweet.