LMAO: this never gets old

i love turning up the volume and hearing the hollow thud sound lol.

Yep I LOL’d

I think i just watched that like 13 times. :lol::ohyeah:





Good god, I can’t stop watching it, haha!

thats why u dont guard the throw in lol, especially when you know they flip

Probably the only non-gay moment in soccer.

thats funny as hell i would be pissed if i was that kid that got hit


When you stand inches away from a guy hurling a soccer ball like it’s a fucking hydrogen bomb, you can’t expect anything good to come of it…

I still can’t stop laughing at this…


thats a pretty badass throw in

nice, I like the laughing in the background.


If you watch the longer version the kid gets up and stays in the game. He then proceeds to stand just as close for the next throw in. Kid deserved it if he’s that dumb.

lol i went to a girls soccer game and this chick would do that everytime, except she would do a full front flip. it was hot. plus she made the tennis moan when she did it


the kid didnt even get a bloody nose wtf

haha. awesome.