
does anyone on here know anything about loans …im gonna have to take a loan out to buy a car im lookin @ but ive heard if u tell the bank thats what its for then they make u have full coverage on the vehicle? is this true ?..what to u tell them to avoid that do i just say its for a guitar i want or something? i plan on paying the loan back as soon as i sell my car…the loan would be for about 2500$

Why wouldn’t you want full coverage on a car that has a loan on it? What happens when someone hits it in the parking lot when you are not around? Or it get stolen? Now you are SOL. Just get the coverage. If you pay off the loan, then drop the coverage.

yeah you get a loan you gotta insure it to the almost max, I couldnt take just liability on my car, i dont want to get stuck if something happens, oh an the bank mandated it

in most cases, yes, you do need full coverage. Although, I took out a real small AUTO loan from HSBC to get an older car a few years back (89 tbird sc) and I didn’t have full coverage on it. Then again, my mother is my insurance agent so maybe she was able to pull some strings or something

I guess it all depends… if the car/truck you’re buying is only 2500.00, then I’m not sure if I’d worry too much about it… If it was a new(er) car or more expensive, then I’d say deffinitly get it.

it would be a 95 integra

i dont really wanna do full coverage cause i have liability right now and its like all payed for till like march, if i up it to full coverage now im gonna have to pay almsot double and i dont got that much money now obv if im takin out a loan lol

then don’t buy this car… if you can’t afford collision, then you can’t afford to fix it when you crash it.

:word: good point

i wont crash it and if someone else hits me then they are payin for it , i dont drive like a moron…even if i did crash it and it was my fault than that would be my own tough shit and i would have to deal with , yea im takin a risk but i would rather considering im not a bad driver and i know when to not drive like an asshole…and if i was stupid enough to crash a car i just got then i would prob just kick my own teeth out and choke on them on purpose

you’re right, I’m sure the rain will pay when you hydroplane off the road into a ditch

Auto Loan= lein on Title and Full Coverage
personal Loan= higher Interest Rate and no insurance requirements

i dont live out in the boonies where there are tons of ditches and i kno to slow down on water and i dont drive on the through way in crazy weather or anywhere really…ive flown my mx6 on purpose over water and its auto, light, the rear sway bars are disconnected and on low pro tires and i still dont hydro…bottom line im not a fuckin retard, i kno how to drive i took drivers ed defensive driving iven been driving for 3 -4 years im not a 16 year old kid in his dads corvette doing 120 in hail and rain on the 400

the personal loan might be the way to do it then cause i lan on payin the whole loan off the day my car sells and the interest prob wont even effect me

thank you for the usefull info jltalon…ill look into it

Although, I took out a real small AUTO loan from HSBC to get an older car a few years back (89 tbird sc) and I didn’t have full coverage on it.

:shrug: like I said though… not sure why I was able to

L.O.L: Lots of lol

You could take a personal loan and use that to buy the car. The rate will probably be higher though.

But really, buying a car with a loan and not carrying full coverage is just stupid. You’ll really be kicking yourself if something happens to it and you’re stuck paying on a loan for a car you can’t drive.

Because we all know everyone is driving with valid insurance. And that accidents never happen especially once rain/snow are tossed in the mix in our fine towns. :tup:

Granted it’s not a large loan, but well… what newman said earlier.

who said i was driving it in the rain or snow ;)…and if someone dont got insurance then they are getting there fuckin ass kicked and sued…either way im taking the risk now because ive neevr had it anyways full coverage is way too expensive my insurance is 1100$ a year and i like it that way …

Dude, I don’t care how you justify this bullshit. If you can’t afford to pay for the car and can’t afford the proper insurance on the car, you shouldn’t be buying it.