local arrested for doing 195+ mph in corvette

not really local, but I know what you were all just thinking.

That thing pulled hard!

What a moron. He should have just said the video was edited in Vegas or some other editing program to simulate the potential of the car.

yeah I’m not sure how/if this will hold up in court. guy is a retard, car is fast as shit.

thats like me telling a cop i drove drunk 5 years ago, wtf how will that hold up in court if he wassnt running from a cop, makes no sense. doing a 195mph pull in day time, bad idea but that thing fucking rips!:bowdown seems like a nasty car for 26g lol

his motor was only $5 grand…lol

nah probly like 2 and boosted it for 300 bux

holy shit thats a bad ass car.

thing was serious…

Badass car, owner is a dumbass if he actually admitted it all to the cops though.


came in here expecting t-money drama. damn.


I should neg rep for false advertisement

what a ratard

nasty, too bad the guy was dumb enough to admit to it

This is why you block plates in vids and throw some messican in there. Only going to get worse as well.

calling peter and andrew…you guys got this no problem.

hope we all learned something from this

Always say it’s CGI.

does anyone else doubt thats 195mph? seems like 140-150 max.

If someone wanted to, time a chunk of guard rail and do the math.