:tup: for car forums [M5 driver gets blown in for speeding]

Some kid bragging about doing 90MPH in a 25MPH residential zone and brags about it online gets turned into the police and arrested.


no street names :noob:

i wonder how they could convict… if there was no witness to the actual event… how could they prove that he wasnt just making shit up to be E-Cool?

meh, it’s canada…they traded in all their freedoms for free health care. dude is F’ed

Now I’m no sherlock fucking holmes, but he plead guilty so I’m guessing it wasn’t too hard.

… And reported to the police by an American… Sheesh, we really do stick our noses in every other countries business, lol. :highfive:

Sounds like that old guy did get his plate, otherwise how was this corroborated?

Awesome. Even more awesome that he got turned in by someone in the US.


Someone get his address and send him a copy of Team America, World Police. :slight_smile:

Probably would be pretty simple to convict esp like fry said, he pleaded guilty.

  1. Someone saw you and your pretty unique car go flying down a street
  2. You brag online about how you went super fast including the actual speed you hit down said street.
  3. Cops match the report of someone seeing your car to your post
  4. Yer fuked

Kid sounds like a fuck stick.

It’s not that much different than people posting kills on here… Especially the videos with street signs and plate #'s clearly visible.

I really don’t know how anything on the internet can hold up in court. Anything can be photo shopped or made up. Even a witness to someone committing a traffic violation isn’t anything because I believe a LEO has to observe it. If that was the case I can say joeblow that I hate was doing 150mph in a school zone while blowing coke off a hookers ass so he gets locked up. I could even join a forum saying I was joeblow and brag about it!

Holy crap just in Obama helped the Nazis!

Everyone seems to be forgetting the huge difference between what can actually be proven in court and what a cop can convince you can be proven in court.

I’m guessing the kid was brought into the police station and told all sorts of scary stories about what will happen if this goes to trial and he loses. Probably most of it was bullshit too. Kid gets scared, agrees to a plea, suddenly the internet thinks you can be convicted off story telling and hearsay.

His own forum snitched on him! lol…also, Who buys their 19yr old an 06 M5?!?


sploiled brat! no intelligence at all. he deserved everything.

i have a very big problem with people who speeding in my neighbourhood. what if a kid were to run out onto the road? i wouldnt drive over 40-50km/h EVER in a residential area

worst part is this kid will be back on the road in 6 months, bc his spineless parents will pay out the ass for his insurance after a careless conviction.

das auto…
Or is that volkswagen… anyways that kid is pretty freakin dumb to be driving like that in the city.
Parents shoulda just been like any others out there and gotten him a nice honda fit or something else that goes 0-60 in a week

Douche bags always rip down my street trying to be cool when me and friends are out working on our car, almost to try to impress us or showoff.
Mean while my neice plays out front of our house sometime.
Some people are retarded

its on Jalopnik now too i guess.

make all forums private?

lol admit it. You allz do it and r jealouzzz

Eh he sounded silly n did silly.

I am dissapointed I was expecting an m5 that looked like this:


