Local Buffalo Rapper

I thought this said raper.
Needless to say my disappointment with this thread is overwhelming

did you just say full on rapist?

To be honest I’m not even into the local rap game at all, General Spade is the only one I’d heard of.

Big fan of the underground, just not around here. Give me some Aesop Rock, E&A, and Atmosphere over shit you hear on the radio any day.

sweating profusely

new mixtape he just put up listen to it and tell me what you think…he told me his meeting with young money went good :smiley:

Still shitty…

it’s just not catchy… there’s nothing that gets stuck in your head.

That and the fact that his lyrics are the same old cliches used over and over by every wannabe rapist.

“I have guns, money, rims, and bitches mutha fucka. cause I’m so cool mutha fucka, Ill shoot you in the face mutha fucka”

This is why no educated people listen to rap. The lyrics are meaningless. Anybody over the age of 11 can come up with them.

Rapping rapist? Thats like getting double fucked.

lol, dont know where i got “rapist” from.

im surprised nobody’s mentioned chae hawk, i’m personally not a fan but he seems to have a prety good local fan base

pretty good

No offense, but terrible. Some of the production of his stuff sounded good, as in the beats and background, but his rapping itself was terrible.

Would not listen.

Not true for all cases. If you’re talking about the shit most people listen to like Lil Wayne and all them, then yeah I agree. But there are rappers who rap about meaningful things, with lyrics that take more than a sixth grade education to write.

this is terrible.
every song sounds like a rip off of another song.
lol at #5. apparently he runs this town.
2, 4, and 6 are all about fucking. pretty much repeats himself. swagger and shortys.
8 is the worst song i’ve ever heard.
i couldn’t listen to the rest, except 13. “b-lo state of mind.” SO TERRIBLE. how ya gonna steal that from jay-z, and replace it with 716 shit. lol at mentioning walden ave and delevan. pretty much lol at any street he mentioned in this song. shouts out to south buff and seneca. HAAAA.

why is it funny that hes mentioning streets from buffalo when the song is based on buffalo. its a mixtape not a fucking album. theres a difference. he didnt steal shit. LOL. None of you know nothing about rap. You really dont understand this guys potential. chae hawk sounds like hes crying and making weird ass noises after each line. its gay as fuck. and to PUREXTC you obviously didnt listen to the whole “mixtape” because your completely wrong im not even going to explain myself and to glore its not supposed to be catchy its a MIXTAPE …

holy shit lol

and lastly why hate someone from your own city lol… for those who dont know what a mixtape is click on link below


is this you or something? stop getting so bent out of shape of what other people think of some random ass rapper in buffalo.

im perfectly fine your just wrong

your opinions are wrong dawn!!!

If you didn’t want people’s opinion then why bother posting it? If your in the music business and can’t take criticism, you are clearly in the wrong business. The lyrics are juvenile at best, tell ya boi not to quit McDonald’s just yet.