Local Rapper, pretty tight.

Check this dude out pretty good! Heres a link to his Myspace page, on the right side third song down “Welcome to Buffalo”-Im taking that shit to FLA wit me.

He’s a cool dude.
He’s friends with my barber

LOL, My brothers, roomates-exgirlfriends, cousin’s-boi. He is lookin at pursuin this as a career? I listened to all 4 tunes hes got on there, got talent. and a good sound, kinda Everlast like.

Edit-how do i DL a tune from there? It has the option, and yes i have an account. Does he maybe have that feature blocked?

Oh apparently hes playin somewhere in Blo, called Merlins. where the hell is that?-NM http://merlinsbuffalo.com/

lol @ welcome to buffalo.

and lol @ him saying he “makes hundreds of thousands of dollars” and he “stays stuck in buff city” in the same rhyme.

hes as bad at spitting as buffalo is at profiting

yea i did that. what

hes ok

General Spade
January, 24 2008 at Merlin’s
727 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, New York 14222
Cost : 4

Come see me rep for the 716 live at Merlins. I promise I will murder this show

was going anyway

fuck, there is a guy from rochester who did one now i can’t find it

i think the roc one is better… imo, and not cause im from there…

roc track is better. to bad about the city though. :stuck_out_tongue: