this could get out of hand…

…I posted on there :wink:

God sadly i know those people on there.

oh wow, i know one person on there lol


LOL I can say that I did spend a night in a hotel with that girl in the black, but I however was not with her. I was kidnapped by her and her friend and taken to a hotel by the airport a couple years back…She snores like a fucking mule. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have pictures of my friend beating her with a pillow because she was snoring…let me see what I can find…

there’s going to be a lot of butt hurt people, buffalo is a small town and I can see this site causing a lot of drama.


that girl in the black has some big titties

damn the fun is over with already

Psh, pussy.

Aww its down already. Why can’t we have nice things?

Cuz you touch yourself at Club Bayou.

I love when I’m right


i was workin tonight (i work at bayou) and supposedly they know the kids name…hes from arizona, lives here now, and people knew where he lives and everything. No joke.

site is down

what did i miss?!

He registered the site through which is located in Arizona - 15111 North Hayden Road, Suite 160, PMB 353, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA ( which is affiliated with GoDaddy. The site was created on 11/5 - you can follow him on Twitter - facebook

I might of found the creator real name…

Wow they took the site down…

What a bunch of pussys

ohh it’s going to be back up soon :slight_smile: