Local Idiot

not sure. it’s a safe bet.

epic responses thus far. im lovin it.




he should kill himself

somebody should comment saying that a video of him killing himself would get a lot more hits and a lot more support…

I didn’t know people of the male gender made super lame youtube videos like that. I thought those were reserved for annoying 14 year olds.

yea he is an annoying 14 yr old trapped in a 18yr olds body…

who is that shrives?

haha there is some funny comments, but it think he is deleting them, cus newmans and fuzzyfishes seems to be MIA


and i dunno, i saw him lurking this thread earlier LOL

hmmmmmmmm… he dont kno bout this tho…

i doubt its dan. it’s probably one of the vw kids i pissed off last week.

This cant be serious.Can you give me his name and show me where he is so i can kick him in the forehead and throw him off a building? Was that one of the mutated people from the hills have eyes in the fucking beginning??


That was awesome man!

On the bright side, that video pretty much ensures that he’ll never get laid and thus won’t be able to reproduce. Kind of like being 27 with a PSP…


HE’LL BE rich off that internet moneeeeeeeey

i am going to convince him to make another video next week


Not one fucking backflip.

Worst waste of a minute and sixteen seconds.

Hes deserves the Mr.Hands special.

does this fellow live off center road?

I like it a lot.

fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap