Local Idiot

honestly, i have no clue. i didn’t know him until this symester, hes a freind of a friend. He sucks just as much in real life too, but i have fun calling him out on it every week

edit: i just read the comments since earlier, ROFL this is great

that was uncomfortable to watch whata fuckin tool

hahhahaha commented.

404 fapping material not found

yea he lives off center by kone king…

these comments r just to damn funnny…

kid went to my school hugeeee homo

his names dan ziccerelli

yeah he has a hot sister…

I think my I.Q. just dropped 20 pts from waching that.



trust me u dont wanna see them… in fact i dont think she would fit in one shot…

The first 10 seconds scared me, seriously.

ROFL, these comments are great.

damnit I got rick rolled :frowning:

commented… and saved in notepad so when he deletes it, it will re-appear again rather quickly