Hey guys i have a couple coil springs laying around and would like to find out what rates that are. I have a few that i think are around 350 and some that are around 450 but they all look the same and would like to know whats what because i think i was running a 350 and one 450 up front last year lol. So if anyone knows where or if theres a way to find out on my own let me know that would be great.
maybe you could ghetto rig a jig of some sort. Rate is lbs/inch so add weight till the springs compress 1 or 2 inches. A load cell in a press would be best but those arent easy to get.
bill just jump on them :gotme:
or we can build something and the one that goes down easer is 350
lol, bill i know you got a press. go borrow your moms bathroom scale, put them on top the spring inside the press and compress the spring for a inch.:lol: but if they are variable rates then idk.
yea the scale at my house is like glass or some shit so that wont work lol but ill have to check out falls spring thanks BDR
I dont think that your scale goes over 350lbs either.lol
its digital it will go to what ever i want lol