For those who are on coilovers, what spring rates are you guys using? Right now I have 8k front, 6k rear on my BCs. I was thinking of possibly switching to 6/4 (maybe shorter swift springs or ordering new BC springs) for a slightly smoother ride since these city street are rough at times.
Side question: any recs on someone who rolls fenders? I know swerve will and rents out the units. Just looking for some feedback!
One other question, have any of you used another tool instead of the spanner wrenches to adjust the coil height? I am about to lower it some more, and last time it was such a PITA using those tiny spanners that BC sends, although it could just be my noobness! lol
I have 450lb front and 275lb rear in my focus, that I bought from Southwest Speed and they were only $30/spring. I’m very happy with them, I’ve purchased a bunch of springs from them in varying lengths and rates to get the ride where I like it.
I have the BC type BR bodys (which may be their entry level model), I believe its a 30 way dampening. I may try to grab a set of 6/4 (which is what BC originally wants to send stock) and then dial in my dampening…