Local spoiled chick to be on tv

I am pretty sure I sold that girl shoes like 7 years ago at Sears (her dad gave me a business card)

what makes her a wretched bitch? dont know the girl, never seen or met her, but if you were in that situation you’d turn it down?

if i was in the position to give my kid everything, as long as they did everything that was asked and expected of them then why the hell not? However, the minute they started to fuck up i’d put a stop to it real quick.

Sounds to me from the article that she doesn’t have to do jack squat, except make sure she makes her hair and nail appointments. Sorry, but if I was in the position of her parents, I would make sure she had responsibility and didn’t expect to have everything handed to her. But if you are born with a golden spoon in your mouth, it’s probably hard to give it up.

Don’t know the girl, but can tell already she’s a spoiled princess.

these are friends of my uncle’s and are very normal people, maybe a bit eccentric, but very normal. i don’t think the editing department will show that however…

For all we know she could be a good kid that does all the shit any normal kid should do at home.

they used to put the daughter in ALOT of those bullshit kiddy beauty contests … get her all dressed up like jean-benet ramsey and shit …

fuckin weirdos people who do that shit to there kids …

and i know for a fact that the parents are into shit loads of SHADY business deals …
as well as being left a ton of money from a relative

I couldn’t care less about how the show portraits her or her family. I just don’t want Williamsville to look like a bunch of assholes. :slight_smile:

WNY has managed to be on national TV a couple times lately and look pretty good. MNF, the basketball thing, the upcoming Winter Classic. Hopefully this show doesn’t make the area look bad.

Oh wait, what am I worried about. This is on ABC so no one will see it anyway. At least no one who’s opinion matters. :lol:

wow we’re on the second page of this thread and none of the nyspeed stalkers have posted up links to her myspace yet…

i’m disappointed…

I’ve been waiting for it

I found no myspace and no facebook.


Awesome. When I turned 16 I was at work at McDonald’s…gay

Looks like I’d hit it though!

Hopefully I will have enough money to do that to my kids someday.

she gave me hpv

LOL you do a great job on your own but no one reads this forum so you’re safe for now :wink:

hahaha derrick is there anything you dont’ know, damn :stuck_out_tongue: fuckin ear to the skreetz



i want to preggorz her.:sario:

i bet she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch

Dude,me too.

fuck her.

thats what got us in this mess