Anyone have any good spots they would like to share for taking car pictures. Any pictures for referance would be great as well.
A couple of my favorites are down in Station Square under the Ft. Pitt Bridge by the boat wheel thing, and also in the South Side just past the Exxon and big parking lot for Matrix/Saddle Ridge/Margarita Mama’s, there is a small industrial park with some cool ghost signs that look good in pics.
I’ll see if I can dig up some pics of them.
I’ve seen several at the smoke stacks at the Waterfront.
this is Burkett Elementary in Robinson
Somewhere industrial, some place that looks like your car shouldn’t be there. I don’t know any spots, but i’m sure I’ll find some eventually.
next to your car?
the train station downtown…and i like some of the Barns near my house
I’ve done that, there are also other place down there that make for good background for car pics.
I’ve thought of going downtown on top of one of the parking garages to take pics, but haven’t had the chance. Plus, you have to pay to get in there, but it would only be a few bucks. Just an idea…
I was thinking the same thing. I was looking to maybe stop out on the 30th before the meet. I think the parking garage on the north shore between the stadiums would be a great spot. I will have to ask those guys if they would be down.
we got kicked out of a couple of parking garages when they(garage security) seen we were taking pictures and because of the “buildings in the background that could be used as potential terrorist targets”(their words).
heres a couple we did take before we had to leave.
i liked the spot brian(captian chaos) had his done at, i think its near station square, you’ll have to ask him about it for the exact location.
there is this side street next to kennywood that if you drive to the end of it you are about 15 feet from part of the steel phantom’s track… its kinda neat with all the twisted track behind you.
theres a great view up at my grams, but in the summer seasons its only a good view for standing, you have to wait for the trees to die to get the city in the background. Im still thinking though…I took some good ones at boyce park. (the random pics of me and the red zq8 at taken there)
I was just at the longue vue country club on friday…they have a kick ass front entrance. Maybe there?
up by the skating rink in schenly park. after the leaves fall you have the city and oakland skylines.
That happened to me two summers ago down at PPG Place. Like terrorists are going to attack this city.
I saw some cool places by the old warehouses and factories down by the New Ken Bridge.
i like station square by the wheel.
Lot A down in station square gets some great shots of the water and downtown especially at night, you can also get the incline, and heinz/PNC.
this was mine, real grainy becasue of my camera setting. BTW if any one knows how to fix this let me know it’s a Cannon S12S
good info guys
those look like some nice spots