Logitech G15 = awesome

Just bought one of these for my new gaming rig. The built in LCD screen is fucking amazing and you can download a bunch of different apps for it. It tells me all types of random crap like the local weather and shit. I’d highly recommend this keyboard

Its a cool keyboard…

Had one for awhile got rid of it… the novelty of the LCD screen on it wares off after awhile…

A friend of mine wrote a bunch of his own apps for it…

The G15 = weak!!! Should of bought the G-19 :excited

dats sum hawt shit rite durr

shoulda gone with the g25. ;p

Sweet dude… I love mine too… but the O & P key stopped working… ARRGG

Hows the PC running for you? Get up on Steam and PM me our log on… then ill kick your ass in TF2!

ugh I need to get back into gaming, I miss it…

When Americas Army 3 comes out ill get into it… ben playing americas army since 2002… got boring after 5 years so i quit untill aa3 comes out…

I miss counter strike and call of duty thou

Shady… DL TF2 and play they shit… It is a blast. not as serious of gameplay but you laff your ass off if you play with a cool group of people.

Was never a big TF fan… It was fun for awhile but im more of a “serious” player


This is our new domain. We got it up about 3 days ago. We have a group of 30 members or so that play it. We are all VERY good players, and take it serious when it needs to be but have a fuckin blast shit talking and all. We have our own server too, check it out and ill show you the ropes there… it is a good time.

the best keyboard i used was at the hold church building at RPI. i dont remember what ones, but they had a set of black ones there. tall buttons with a VERY shallow press depth. those were great, i wanted to gank one.