Nerd Warning: The THE coolest keyboard!!!

Well, after my nerdy ass cousin got Logitech’s G15 keyboard a few months ago, I felt the impulsive urge to get one also.

So I got one, but laughed at his nerdy-nonpeopleskills-noneconomicsmarts-ass when I got mine for $60, while he got his for $120+tax. :smiley:

I’m still trying to figure out all the cool shit, and this keyboard is an awsome thing… I can set the “G” keys to macro anything I want that is accessible through the keyboard. (my newb commands in Photoshop, “right-click save as enter” :wink: :H :RO :LOL )

I’ve also found this ‘cool’ feature tonight:

reminds me of people who put led lights on their cars :hmm

Tis the baller of all keyboards… ROFL

Technology sure makes life so much easier though.

^^ if only they could invent something that’ll scratch my ass and crotch at the same time …

BALLER!!! haha

If you have money, (which you do), for $200/hour, you can have all the ass/ball scratching you need, in the form of a fat-paperbagmod-required woman.

Then again, there’s something called a girlfriend.

lol…this guy still hasnt given up on that yet

rice keyboard

i’ve been thinking of investing one, where’d you get yours for $60?

I’d get one if my desktop still works…

Browse for deals on Redflagdeals… I got mine from a private party, met up, and exchanged goods.

Only suckas buy things at cost price… :R