LoL, ever have a day when everything just goes your way?

Yeah, I am having that day right now and i like it :slight_smile:

That is all. :smiley:

It’s been so long that I’m fucking suicidal about it.



I’ve had lots of days where everything goes wrong. Usually coincides with me working on my cars.

lol ok sorry guys err nevermind my day is horrible :smiley:

eat my balls…everything is NOT going my way…LOL

that actually happens? :confused:

LoL shut up faggor! Everything didnt go my way for over a year so now its nice to get a break going my way :smiley:

You must explain why your day is going so well…

indeed…do explain

3some with beck and newman???

^ lol

Long story short, my job was paying me differential pay while i was gone in Iraq. They miscalculated. Next week I get a nice check. Totally unexpected, ho ho ho, merry xmas to me! :smiley:



the military making mistakes? that’s crazy talk right there.

:tup: awesome dude :slight_smile:

:tup: …to unexpected money…especially around christmas!!!


Actually it wasnt the military messin up for once, it was my job here in tha B-Lo. :smiley:

Thats what i said. :smiley: It was totally unexpected, and when they told me how much, I giggled like a little girl and started prancing around the house :lol:

That’s cool man… Sort of a “Thanks for risking your life in Sand-Gri-La, here is lost of green backs…”

LOL…must be nice…cause for x-mas money i am working a nice 12 hour shift today to get some OT…ass face :P…and then i will be back in here tomorrow on my day off…for more OT…BOOYA!!