lol I love auditing other peoples servers

With out even digging or doing any real work…

Scan time :
Start time : Tue Dec 30 09:49:55 2008 End time : Tue Dec 30 09:55:45 2008
Number of vulnerabilities :
Open ports : 28
Low : 83
Medium : 48
High : 158

you’re the man now dog.

this is when you report your findings to the admins boss.

video tape the reveal.

what are you using to scan?

I was just using Nessus

Usually I use Nessus/Retina for a quick scan…I don’t consider this a true security audit but it is a good base line to start from.

I just lol because this is a citrix server facing the internet not firewalled.


shit wish you could scan our hosting servers…you would likely laugh.

they got any good citrix apps?

They are publishing full desktops not just apps…

That sounds like fun. IP?

maybe ill do some exploring if i get downtime later :snky:
