Network Inventory

We use alchemy, but our license will only allow it to scan up to 100 computers.

Anyone have anything else that is good?

We have about 400 computers / servers

I need it to be able to generate reports of all sorts.


Have you looked into: ??

get me a name and i can get it

Usually companies are willing to pay for software, lmao.

just trying to help


Did you ever find something to do this?

We used to use a program called Atlas… err something. SNMP mangement of network devices and auto discover.

Also contained security auditing and device reporting for desktops and servers. At the county we played a lot of “What the hell is that on the network?”

I use Level platforms/Solarwinds Orion…

but for this I am just going to use Nessus to figure out what services are running on these servers…I am doing an overview for a customer who wants to do a physical to virtual conversion…

we use whatsup… it can auto detect and use ICMP for basic network detection, however using SNMP is what it is really good for.

i.e. we mostly just use it for switches, routers, servers, phone equipment, ups’s etc.

i could have sworn was used some freeware app to do a basic network inventory though, but i can’t remember wtf it was