Services and their accounts

I need a program to poll all the servers within a specific IP range of their services and which account they login with.

Anyone know?

Determine what account the service is running as?

I think that lets you enumerate/dig info out of windows services…

NMAP can scan an IP range and tell you whats running on each port and even identify the service

I was going to suggest nmap…but then he added something about accounts…

Not sure if there was a program that did them both but I use nmap daily for service discovery.

Kinda interested in the results of this question too.

NMAP won’t work - I need the accounts that the services run with.

Keep em coming, I don’t know if that superscan will work, I can try it though

i would be shocked if you can scan a system and identify the account associated with the service unless you are trying to do this from the server itself.

Clearly Howie is the admin…because enumerating windows services on someone elses network would be illegal…:lolsign:

Well I figured it was his network but sometimes I have scanned a server groups farm to see what the hell they plugged into my network without me knowing but I was curious if he was just trying to see the accounts remotely and I would have been shocked if you could do that. Lol