LOL my poor dog.

BAHAHAH OMG i am so evil the dog gave me such a dumb look and i had a marker in my hand. I dunno why its so funny, but i thought so, now when he comes runnin over i almost fall down laughing!!

not funny :gotme:

Bah. I guess not.

bahahhaha…I thought it was…lol…you silly…:rofl:

Im laughing

i thought it was hahahahaha


haha, sounds like something i’d do - but not tell anyone cause no one else would find it funny tho

i’m still kinda laughing tho


u gotta cut the dog’s nails though…


Dumb dogs deserve worse :stuck_out_tongue:

gets a chuckle

They arent that bad, he had them up and was standing on his hind legs and when he does that for some reason he likes to stretch his claws out so they look longer than normal. Beagles have long nails for some reason, even when theyre trimmed theyre long.

are u sure U were not giving HIM the stupid look?

My dog (the younger one) is like Odie from Garfield wagging the tail all thew time and just overall makes me laugh cuz hes so innicent and at the same time dumb looking all the while looking cute, so to me this was hilarious.

lol sounds like my dog, Angus… big ass newfoundland that’s dumb as a brick (but means well lol). Poor dog has a crazy overbite (and as a result, gets water EVERYWHERE when he tries to drink) and while one eye is looking at you, the other is spinning in circles :lol: (not really, but kind of).

it’s funny… he weighs like 140 lbs. yet thinks he’s a lap dog. If he see’s ya sitting, he’ll run up and try laying on you (but in all reality, he’s still standing up, just standing over your legs). He’s scared of onions, fans, old bottles and vacuume cleaners lmao… dogs rule