
it’s hilarious.

wtf, but :lol:

shouldn’t it be “you’re”…jk

i don’t know why i like that so much. what is it?

my god, does someone need to hold your hand through this to make you realize why it’s funny?

edit: to the WTF crew above

I’m not hip enough to get it. :gotme:

I looked at it 3 times thinking I would crack a smile.

I didn’t.

It’s the way his argument deteriorates as he realizes he’s arguing a dog.

First it’s the owner-master scenario. “GIVE THEM BACK”. It’s a command from an organize higher up on the biological ladder. When the dog doesn’t budge, he proceeds to reason. “YOU ARE A DOG”. I think the man, then, understands the futility of his discussion and has realized that while lower down on the ladder of life the dog has a distinct advantage in this scenario as man has simply evolved himself out of pure physical confrontation with beast. The last sentence, then, is one of desperation - as if to solicit pity from the beast. “they don’t even fit”.

it’s funny because he keeps trying to reason with a dog from commanding him to almost begging with the statement in the small text.

nice OT rip off btw

WOW at least I paraphrased…you copy pasted someone else’s post

I put WTF because its random and dont know where it came from…I did laugh…no i’m not really in the crew because I know why it’s funny :eekdance:

dog in sneakers. hahaha!

where did it come from?

:cricket: :cricket: :uhh:

where all things come from


never seen the original though

haha, yeah, i meant was this created for some real purpose at some point? at first glance, it reminded me of this:

the engrish shit is awesome.

no I know you got it, the other kids above :slight_smile:

poor USPS postman…

they’ve to face those dogs, etc everyday.

it’s just stupid how their reputation is tarnished if they are bitten by a dog…

This is an OT thing… not alot of NYSpeeders…

You need to post the original. It’s easier to digest.