so i found a dog...

i was sitting on the porch today after lunch at moe’s with a few friends. i went to the bathroom, and when i came back my friend jay told me there was a dog walking around the parking lot. so i went downstairs and called him over, started petting him, checked his tags. he had a rabbies vacene tag and thats all. i whistled and he followed me up the stairs and made himself home real fast on the futon on the porch. i called the number on the tag, and left a message (they were closed) but this dog fucking rules. hes so calm, hasn’t barked once, follows me around, is really well mannored and trained. (sits, gives you his paw, ect.) i really fucking love this dog and dont want to give him back.


i’ve named him otis and were madly in the loce.

newman is not happy about this…

jack russell mix? lol @ newman not liking dogs…

looks like he already chewed up your chair arm

cool dog. is that cam?

haha that was like that.

jay told me about this. he was all excited.

If you really like this dog after such a short time, imagine how much his owners love him. They are likely heartbroken thinking about what could have happened to him. Please try your very best to return him to his home. You’ll make someone very happy to have him back.

Why couldn’t this happen when I lived at the Ritz… Nice find Jam, that dog sounds like an excellent find!

HAHHAHA Newman!!!

newmans a bitch, he doesnt like anything cool

its probably some disabled kids only friend :cry:

How do you not like dogs? Cat lovers don’t like dogs.

explains why he may have ran away. Nothing like playing fetch with kid that has no arms.

haha how do you like cats in first place? :wink:

There are a few cool ones like adictd2b00st’s cats “Titus”, but most of them suck :lol:


some cats are awesome. some are stupid

same with dogs. it’s all about how they were trained, or if they are naturally affectionate or insane :stuck_out_tongue:

Jay’s cat is only cool because he can fly and he sleeps on his computer monitor which I think is kinda funny :slight_smile:

dogs fucking blow. no respect for dog owners… not really a cat person either, but if i had to choose, i’d pick a cat. i wear a lot of black. no way i’m living with a fucking white dog.

let him live in your house :frowning:

but shave him

you fucking pussy

this makes no sense.

dog > cat any day.

how can u have no respect for dog owners? that makes sense, like u actually know anything about the person. fucking dimwit.

ontopic, the dog looks cool, but u should prolly give him back. lol

i was going to use this as an opportunity to make reference to your girlfriend looking like a dog, but since you love the cock, i’m a bit at a loss as to what to do :gotme:

I’d be absolutely heartbroken if something happened to my dog :frowning: Please try to find the owner. Of course, there is a chance you won’t, or they don’t want him back or something.