my cat just got :owned: lol
i was sitting on my deck eatin dinner and noticed 2 blue jays getting really annoying, looked up and my cat had a baby bluejay. so i yelled at the cat, tried chasin him and just said screw it and gave up, 5 mins later theres about 15-20 bluejays in the tree surrounding my cat and he is all low to the ground scared shitless, so he takes off and about 10 bluejay swoop down and peck him a couple times, he makes it back to the house and begs to come in still looking scared for his life.
the cat is def :nuts:
My oldest cat got owned by 2 cars in one week… bastard is huge now… he looks like hes been through hell… hes still pretty nice… the female cat I have that was the youngest I have to bring into the house with its eyes closed to get to eat now that the new kitten is here… she def doesnt like him.
The kitten is a damn chickmagnet though.
blue jays are some nasty mother fuckers. They are like straight up gangsta birds.
that sucks your cat got owned by cars, but at least he’s alright,i’ve got 3 cats and 1 dog.
my pitbull can take a fist to the skull without a flinch. no joke.
I can’t stand dogs
if a person breaks into my house my dog will eliminate the threat… a cat on the other hand would probably run away or try to run outside :rolleyes: x15
haha, thats hilarious
I have 2 cats and yes, they run at the littlest thing, but at least I can leave for a week and not have to get a dog sitter or find someone to let the damn thing outside to take a shit and stretch it’s legs. if you want the love and all the time and effort of caring for something that takes up a lot of time, have a kid - it’s much more rewarding
I just heard the other day that a dog attacked a little boy, that’s the main reason I hate dogs, you never know when they will flip out. And the typical dog owners response “my dog would never do that, he is great with other people and kids”, we all know that is bullshit.
What about a 100 pound dog that acts like a cat? :dunno:
die. in a fire. a fire composed of rotting cat carcasses.
:ugh::ugh::ugh: :ugh::ugh::ugh: :ugh::ugh::ugh: :ugh::ugh::ugh:
It would be better than a dying with lame ass dogs.
Dogs > cats on every level. Dogs are loyal, affectionate, and protective. Cats scratch shit up, piss on everything, and couldnt give a fuck about you unless its feeding time or they want something for you. And besides, cats are girlie animals.
they may take a fist to the skull but if a dog is after you, kick the mother fucker in the troat and watch it go down. I hate pitbulls and rots.
that’s the owners fault… my dog WOULD attack someone if you fucked with him, fucked with me / family… but i’m responsible and walk my dog on a leash… and make sure he doesn’t get loose.
it was probably the parents fault for not watching their kid…
i don’t base my selection of pets on ease… i do see your point, but it’s not a swaying opinion for me.
cats are teh ghey… i’ve come across one or two that are ok… but i know of 15,000 that suck
Dogs aren’t rational animals. It’s not like they can think to themselves “well, its only a kid, so I won’t attack”… If they percieve themselves to be in danger, then they will attack, no doubt. I had a rottweiler that was an absolute baby, loved everyone… But if you tried to pet her on the throat, you’d get a low growl, if you did it again, she would put you down on teh ground with her mouth at your throat. You would have to put your hands up in the air and then slowly back up, and she would let you off… Then if you petted her on the head or back, shes flow around and love you like nothing every happened… Thats training… She perceives going after the throat as a threat, and she let you know it… Theres nothing wrong with that… The fact is, a dog can be trained to react to situations, a cat cannot. Dogs > Cats xinfinity
the problem with dog attacks is people panic. If you don’t panic and go toe to toe with a mut you should be able to throw down on the motherfucker. Dogs can’t exactly throw fists. Poke them in the eye, kick em in th throat. Do what you gotta do,
I really don’t like cats, but if a stray dog was running around the neighborhood adn was in the street, I wouldn’t even touch the brake pedal.
turbo - the kid was getting a ball from the street and the dog got out of the yard and attacked.
just have kids instead of some retarded animal