Lost White Cat Grand Island

My cat always sneaks out then comes home after a few hours or a day at most. He hasn’t been home since before we went on vacation on the 18th.

Most likely he got nabbed by a coyote, fox, or even a hawk. Nonetheless Grand Island peeps let me know if you see an all white cat wandering around. Veteran’s Park area.


You actually aren’t the first person I have heard losing an animal on GI. There is probably a lot of animals on the roam looking for food with all the burned out plants.

Too soon?

Maybe I should get like a 1st generation bengal or something for my next cat so that if a coyote fucks with it it eats the coyote.

With the way the yote population is going up and the lack of hunting on the island, that might not be a bad idea.

Do coyotes swim to the island?

Yeah they don’t want to deal with the bridge traffic.


Check with Hass.

That and the tolls.

Don’t leave out the locals… There are people that have not left the island in 20 years…

Do you even like that cat?

Oddly enough I liked the cat better than the dogs. The Maltese is a maltese and the golden puppy is a hyper needy spaz. The cat didn’t need to be let out, didn’t demand treats, made no messes, and generally did his own thing unless neither of us had anything better to do than chill on the couch.

I’m already trying to keep my wife from immediately adopting a new cat. I haven’t quite given up hope yet even though he’s probably long been fox bait.

Zong was hungry?

Go with a bengal! I’ve been looking into them myself. Seem like awesome cats with alot of personality.

Get a Serval. Go big or go home.

Tempting, but $600+ when there are perfectly good shelter cats looking for homes for $40 bucks makes it hard for me to justify.

Then again, I spent about $3k in vet hospitalizations over the last year on my last shelter cat and then $40/mo on a special diet because he turned out to be really prone to FUS so maybe a breeder cat isn’t a bad idea.

Blah. With my luck I’d wind up with one that still has some serval in its personality. My wife (read: me) wants a cuddler. Then again it might be good to have a big strong cat that can hold its own playing with a puppy.

Fuck I’m just going to get a turtle.

Get a pitbull. mines a sweetheart and super loyal. also super ADHD.


I still worry about pit bulls around young kids. Didn’t Fry recently have a new family member?

You should go all out and get an Ocelot.

Yeah I’ve got a 16 month old daughter. I also had a shepherd rescue that started growling and snapping at her when she started crawling, so the shepherd got a new home. Now we have a spaz of a golden retriever puppy, but it doesn’t have an aggressive bone in her body.

So yeah I’ve got enough dogs with ADD. I miss my cat with autism.

There’s a white marble bengal on Craigslist right now. That would be cool.
