Lost White Cat Grand Island

I rescued my pitbull/terrier mix three years ago. Found her when she was 6 months old, wandering the streets starving
So I had animal control pick her up, waited two weeks and nobody claimed her, so I did. She was too loving and cute not to. Best decision i have ever made. She is the most loyal, loving, gentle dog around kids I’ve ever had. Never attacked or bit anyone. Still a bit hyper around strangers, but she just loves attention.

Pits have such a bad reputation and I hate it. It’s all about how you raise and train them. Like I said she’s just an amazing 60lb lap dog haha.

Fry good luck finding your cat, hope it works out! If it unfortunately doesn’t, I’m +1 for a bengal or pitbull haha

Yeah, or a Wolverine.

Imma get a badger. It’ll be fine as long as I raise it right.

:clap: “It was great with everyone, until it ate my kid”

I have tortoises and they are cool!

I was in tops on GI and noticed a bunch of lost animal posters with recent dates…

I found a pure white male.

Perhaps you can have it and tell your family that it’s your cat?
This cat is not interested in water, so I doubt it swam off grand island. It’s also scared to death of moving cars, so I don’t think it went over the bridge.

However it’s SUPER friendly. there’s a free FS thread about it w/ pics.

That’s a good idea. I haven’t posted any signs. Not sure if I’m going to bother. We live on a park with a lot of woods and brush, which is the direction he always headed. After 2 summers of him coming and going safely I can’t really imagine any scenario that keeps him from coming home that doesn’t involve a predator. I’ll look around for a few more days now that I’m home then say a mental goodbye, and go roadrunner on any coyotes I see and keep the next kittah inside dammit.


---------- Post added at 04:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 PM ----------

Well I’ll be damned. Looks like the eyes are a slight different shape, but otherwise a dead ringer for mine.

But if I’m going to get a new cat I’m going to start with a kitten. Thanks though. Good luck adopting him out. Don’t be afraid to take him to a shelter if you get antsy to get him to a new home. White cats get adopted damn fast.

While I’m sure there are exceptions, I think the worst mine would do is drown you with kisses. The family that originally found her on the side of the road had 2 small kids, one 5 and one 7. While I was visiting the family, the 5 year old was hanging from her neck and she was just walkin around like everything was fine. He also played wheel barrow with her and she just went with it.

shes even great with other dogs. spent the weekend at a friends cottage and there was a rottie/lab mix there as well that she bullied around a bit, but he was quite a bit bigger than her. I’m sure if he wanted to be the alpha, they would have figured it out pretty quick. She was great with my friends boxer as well, they played for hours.

Sidenote: I was toolin around on a quad this weekend, blasting around on trails, and we couldnt get her to stay at the cottage with everyone else. just kept running after me, stayed by my side the entire time, and man she can run. Even with the throttle wide open she was right being me. super loyal.

I know people that have them and they are great dogs. Their strength worries me esp around kids. My friend tied his up at softball. He was running from first to second and it broke off the leash to run and meet him at second base. If you got one from a breeder I would think its a bit more trusted but these ones people rescue and adopt, I just have a large concern that no one knows their early life like was it abused, beaten, etc. and it could just snap. With them being so strong, one goes nuts, you don’t stand a chance. Its either off or on with them. There is no middle ground where they may growl or snap at a child so it just is a huge risk IMO.

You could say this about any dog. I’ve met some shitty dogs before, but never a bad pit in a home environment.

While some of those you can dismiss as bad owners just by reading the stories a lot of them are clearly family pets in home environments.

People are funny on both sides. Pits are dogs, and no dog should ever be “trusted” with a kid. All dogs can bite. Pits are really probably more tolerant of kids monkeying with them. The problem with pits is they’re so strong and bred to bite and hold that when something does happen it’s usually pretty severe.

Besides, all owners say “I can’t believe that happened sparky would never hurt a soul he showed no signs of aggression” after a bite incident. Usually the owners just missed the signs. It happens fast. I.E. if someone’s petting your dog and he’s standing still with his mouth shut, intervene immediately. How many dog owners even know what to watch for? How many poor people that get pits because they want to look tough or legitimately want a guard dog have ever bothered to read anything about dogs or go to a dog training class? What am I talking about? Oh yeah, apple sucks!

Oh yea, rosie is as strong as an ox, and was definitely abused in her past life.

My 3 pitbulls murdered two people last week…

Slow week.

This is my point exactly. Any dog can bite or attack for whatever reason. The sheer strength that pitbulls have is what worries me. Same thing with grate danes and other very large breeds. They go nuts and someone is gonna find you in pieces in your home vs if a Jack Russel went nuts trying to bite you.

I would never leave children unattended with any breed on a positive not the high pain tolerance of pitts makes me them great when small kids try and beat them up.

^I had a neighbor who’s kid got bit in the face by a dalmatian. The kid was only like 2 or 3 and was hitting the dog with a small toy shovel apparently.