Lost White Cat Grand Island

from what i understand you can shoot coyotes at any time of year provided you have reason that they are considered a nusiance. couple stipulations but really no big deal

I was bitten in the face when I was a kid. I’m 99% sure the dog was not to blame.
It was a Shepard while I was in Scotland. I still like dogs.

Having a dog is great for kids. My lab is great but still a little PITA around people for the first few minutes.

Fry has dogs, and this thread is about a lost cat…
Thread: Lost topic but free bumps

this is why you keep your cats inside :frowning:

i have one cat i like…and the other i have i’m not totally sure i want. bring cash must be licensed no joy rides

This made me laugh for some reason.

Someone with a cat, can you attach a small camera to it? I am curious where they actually go outside.

There is a black cat that wanders my street and annoys all the dogs.

You can have him for free.

Why don’t people just get one good dog and call it a day?

You could use the same idea and apply it to children too.

I think my wife’s bringing home two kittens tonight. :eyebrow:

homemade chineese food!

I will take the golden, I love my hyper and affectionate golden :stuck_out_tongue:

The one I found will hang out by the door 80% of the day.
When he does wander off, he’ll wander off in to a woody part that I own or some weeds and lay down for a nap.

I find dead mice and birds all over, so I imagine he does more than that… just not when I’m watching.
He eats the birds, but not the mice and moles.

China Wok lunch Meat?

Will it be a Honey Badger?

It took me over a month to find my cat a while back. They usually hang out in a 3 block radius of the house. Once you figure out where he or she is, get a humane cat trap bait it with food. hope you find your cat.

That’s fucked up. lol

Lol so what do you name a brother and sister pair of kittahs? Sweet and sour?


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Get a badger, teach it to not give a fuck. Presto, honey badger conversion.

my cat disappeared last week too. For some reason just wanted to start going outside all the time for the last few months then gone. Maybe they eloped. Gay Island cats!

Stopped on GI today and remembered your cat.

Does this look familiar?

Too soon?


That place wasn’t bad…we’re due for another gay group lunch…