hmmm...Lions on GI ??

lol…I live 4 houses from the area they are talking about. Time to load the gun… This was on the news last night.

Mountain Lion Mystery on Grand Island

Posted by: Mike Igoe, Reporter

Created: 7/2/2007 5:24:22 PM
Updated: 7/3/2007 8:11:48 AM

Is there a mountain lion on the loose in Grand Island?

In the past month there have been three sightings in a woodded area on Baseline and Bush roads of what could be a mountain lion.

Chris Simon is sure she saw a mountain lion there.

Chris Simon, Grand Island resident: “Pretty good size, definitely bigger than a coyote. Not a coyote? Not a coyote or any other animal. It was
definitely lion of some sort.”

Grand Island Animal Control Officer Greg Butcher took the original sighting calls. Since then, he’s handled about 50 calls with questions.

Greg Butcher, Grand Island Animal Control: “People are concerned. They don’t want to walk into this large cat lying in their back yard.”

The State DEC tells 2 On Your Side, they investigated the calls about two weeks ago but, their search has stopped because they couldn’t find any proof there was a mountain lion. They looked for any type of evidence including: paw marks, scratch markes or even dead prey.

The DEC’s Regional Wildlife Manager Mark Kandel gives us this statement: “We have never identified a mountain lion in New York State. They haven’t existed in the wild for 100 years in New York.”

Loose mountain lion or not, it’s creating a buzz all over town including places like Curves for Women.

Susan DelMonte, Grand Island Resident: “I’ve lived here 22 years. This is a first.”

Sandy Preston, Grand Island Resident: “It’s kind of hard to believe. Where would it come from?”

At this point, the DEC says it needs pictures. If you snap one of what may be a mountain lion, they’d like to see it.

You can call the DEC in Buffalo at 851-7010.


Loose mountain lion or not, it’s creating a buzz all over town including places like Curves for Women.

They didn’t air the part with the fat lady saying, “Listen, I’m a big girl. If that lion comes chasing after me I can’t run that fast”.


They didn’t air the part with the fat lady saying, “Listen, I’m a big girl. If that lion comes chasing after me I can’t run that fast”.



man. there are a lot of people on grand island who i think that lion should eat.


man. there are a lot of people on grand island who i think that lion should eat.


Maybe you could come visit me. Although, he would probably just spit you out…

“Dude, no yelling. You know you cant talk like that when the lion gets here.”

Grandma’s Boy ftw


Maybe you could come visit me. Although, he would probably just spit you out…


haha. i think my body is 90% soy


Maybe you could come visit me. Although, he would probably just spit you out…


Haha newman would be about as filling as a side salad for the lion.


I’d be hard pressed to believe there is a mountain lion on Grand Island.

The only place in the East where they live is Florida.



I’d be hard pressed to believe there is a mountain lion on Grand Island.

The only place in the East where they live is Florida.


Yah, well the elusive Sasquatch a.k.a. SkunkApe is sighted all over WNY.

So there! :smiley:

Likely just some coke whores that saw a fucking dog or something.


Yah, well the elusive Sasquatch a.k.a. SkunkApe is sighted all over WNY.

So there! :smiley:


elusive until the word “penis” is mentioned…


Likely just some coke whores that saw a fucking dog or something.


Word, they were probably lion about the lyin’.

Mountain Lion Mystery on Grand Island

Posted by: Mike Igoe, Reporter

The fact that this guy reported it makes me question the story, more than the fact that dec says not in 100 years. This guy is a joke and not credible

“To me it looked like a mountain lion to me, all you gotta do is look up in da tree. Everyone who seen the mountain lion say yeahhhhhhh!”


lol…I live 4 houses from the area they are talking about. Time to load the gun…


that’d be one hell of a pimp addition to a house…

i don’t know if i’d rather have the head on a wall, or the whole skin/head as a carpet…


“To me it looked like a mountain lion to me, all you gotta do is look up in da tree. Everyone who seen the mountain lion say yeahhhhhhh!”


Great!!! I LOL’d

I used to keep that lion in the garage I rented from you :slight_smile:

the lion was in the field behind my house. my brother refuses to go outside now for fear he’ll be “gobbled up” i want to see it but it hasn’t been back.