lol trolling

Body shaming backlash fails miserably, Protein World makes a million

Protein World, a little known British diet shakes and supplements company that only launched 18 months ago, apparently made around £1 million ($1.5 million) in four days after being unintentionally boosted by enormous backlash from “body shaming” campaigners over an advert.

Streisand effect and all that.

Their Twitter played a big role too. They more than accepted their role as a ‘villian’ and it seems it’ll pay off. There’s been a bunch of articles written how this new style of marketing is pretty much unheard of but apparently absolutely brilliant to get eyes on your product. Interesting, I think.

They won’t be allowed to do a second round of the same adverts however.

Hell yea. This gave me a laugh. Good for them.

Hypersensitive society mob takes to social media again. 10-15 years ago, people would walk past that billboard and think nothing of it. Now people walk past it and go “Oh, something for me to be offended about, better let everyone know they should feel offended too”.

The trolling posts are pretty funny though.

Haha nice :tup:

Glad that they didn’t back down to the stay at home mom brigade

that’s sweet

I don’t get what the advert is and what the backlash is over.

Good for them tho.

They put a skinny girl on an ad for weight loss shakes and fat women got mad.

Really? I hate this planet.

They do it in magazines and commercials constantly. “HI I weigh 45 lbs and I’m going on a diet”

To be fair that girl is 'shopped or has a pretty big eating disorder.

Its shopped. Look at the legs compared to the rest.

If that’s an eating disorder I’m all for it :tup:

Ya shes hot.

I’d pee on her…

I mean…what?!

Buncha fatties gettin’ soft, eating their gallon of ice cream scrolling through their Twitter being judgmental of every girl on their page, now all of a sudden they want to be upset when someone puts a dish of truth in front of them. Grow up Harriet.

I’d wear those thighs as ear muffs!

When you start the day with two breakfast sandwiches and a hashbrown, going on twitter to bash a health ad is just digestion.

I love it…great on every level…


lol at the guy in the pink bikini …wth

Twitter, the world’s #1 exporter of butthurt.