LOL Try This!

Go to, then type in “French Military Victories”, then click on “I’m Feeling Lucky”.

I’m so bored :roll:


lmao :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

thats funny :lol:

The french have won wars before!!!

Either they havent or Google hates them… I pick the latter

freaking frogs, what they ever do for anyone…

They saved Nissans Broke ass if I remember corectly

didnt anyone go to high school(or atleast pay attention?)

search napoleon…
he ripped shit up for the french!

I was just gonna say, He had some serious real estate under his belt.

They saved Nissans Broke ass if I remember corectly[/quote]

i was trying to be sarcastic. i am as french as they come, without speaking french lol

You’re talking about how he spread syphilis to everyone before it killed him right?

Putain Francais.


All they care about is there french fries and gravy and cheese. Like WTF would my shit look like after a week of eating that. Look like a frog I bet.

I just googled “Allen Petersen” under images and on page 4 there is a bunch of pictures of nissans that leads to n-e-c-c. I did it a year ago and got naked indian pictures and a hurricane Allen picture :stuck_out_tongue:

I google random stuff all the time. Good way to waste time.

I once googled Kenji Miki and got a picture of a drunk, naked asian man sitting in a rubbermaid garbage can.

B-Wurm :E

the typical french meal is poutin, a beer and a cigarette

didn’t frenchy go home cause the pountine sucked and so did the women

btw- i got nothing under my name (laurier bloy)

I think it was cuz the women didnt suck. lol

Ya total french diet!!!