uhhh…yea? dont get me wrong, i support beck in this thread 100%…vs. Cody Westfield…not newman, he has nothing to do with this…but, i’m pretty sure i’ve met you with beck at your shop and you were an okay dude so i’m just being honest, you look like a complete asshole through out this whole entire thread and with each post you come off as less and less intelligent. it might be in your best interest to just quit while you’re…well you’re not ahead…just quit.

lol what has become of this thread since 5pm yesterday :bloated:

not sure, but the chic with a dick thing… kinda hot :slight_smile:

yeah. this got weird.

i’m not fighting anyone.

motion for closing the thread?


Dude whatever. The piont is, I know about the whole situtation. I know about what went on. So excuse me if I defend one of my best friends thats being bashed by everyone. When he doesn’t even have a chance to defend hisself, becuse he’s not on the forum anymore. Thank you thats all.

motion for a fight w/ beck vs newman with choice of giant dildo swords. Oh man whos got the video of the dude getting clocked in the head witha giant rubber dildo.:lol:


This shit stunk. Funny at first, but the novelty wore off quickly.

Give me a picture of an anorexic kid getting smashed in the face and charging and fighting back, or I quit.

:lol: as one of his best friends you are undoubtedly aware of his indirect posting capabilities

Dildos hurt, alot, when you get smacked with them that shit is dense

sucker punches are for bitches

your insight is remarkable. do you have any other words of wisdom you’d love to bestow upon us? i’m certain myself and the rest of the forum would appreciate nothing more than hearing you speak about other illegitamte social actions. in advance, thank you

and if you talk back i’ll bitch slap yo momma

Yea ok agreed. It was still Aaron posting. I’ll put it to you this way. What would you do if someone posted the same shit about you. But you could do anything about it? You’d probably want your friend to say something too. That the point i’m trying to make.


Is it spring cleaning time yet? :eyebrow:

11 pages… wtf. the last 6 were worthless.

are we starting a fight club or what? if this is your first night… YOU HAVE TO FIGHT.

It’s the internet, who cares. It’s that the excuse everyone uses when someone has their panties in a bunch over something someone posted?

ahhahahaa yea i totally fucked that one up , i was tired.

why is this even here? if beck was here to defend it’d be a different story