Just saw this over on ClubRSX…and got to the middle-end of the OP by this guy and began LOLing:rofl

That’s CRSX for ya :rofl

his sis has a dirty cooter

wow…just wow

lol what a loser

wow, this is why i try to stay away from teh honda crowd :ninja lol

lol that wasn’t a guy on ClubRSX, it was just some random forum that someone found

gotcha…you honda boys have another chance hahaha but for real thats fucked up…all he wanted to do was smell pussy whats wrong with that!!! :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja

thats fucking hysterical… funniest part is that there making him get a job to pay for the psychiatrist

epic post.

i second that

is that Pete on CRSX?

nah just trav in school ,before he got the ballin ass sti and was the man

then he blew it up and went back to being “that guy” lol


oh my bad, did i say that one out loud??? :lol

holy crap!

If that guy was so worried about what he had posted he should have kept his sick habit to himself and not posted it on the internet. This is the type of guy who will be on MSNBC’s To Catch a Predator with Chris Hanson.

super funny. “my first job” lol. loser.

It also says he was picked up from somewhere so i’m assuming this person is younger. 16 years old or younger is my guess.