London Riots bus

I could see people rioting if the government cuts welfare due to the budget cuts they have to make.

Good thing poor people cant afford guns!

i love the constant idea that those on welfare (you know the ones with out jobs that cant feed themselves without aid) are going to be somehow organized enough to revolt. Of course if they had that power they probably would have risen above their current position long ago(like 50 years ago)…the fear mongering of some of you guys is scary. between this and race wars you’d think america was a fucking war zone.

what do you mean somehow organized… they’ve all got blackberrys and iphones and lots of time on their hands.

trust me. people on welfare would have no issues shooting stolen hand guns out the windows of thier rimmed up escalade. Tho with the gun turned sideways, I don’t think they will hit much of anything.

Edit escept other trailers in their trailer park

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Hopefully when looking at these violent protests where a country without such protections is quickly turning to anarchy that whole “security of a free state” thing starts to make sense even to the non-gun righters. When people falsely put their faith in law enforcement being able to keep the peace against a widespread and far outnumbering threat you get the mess you have in England. It would be much more difficult here as ordinary citizens are far better equipped to protect their property without dependance on government police forces.



These threads make me think i need more weapons and WAYYY more ammo.

This will definitely happen in the US at some point. It has to. Voting will never work.

It’s great that our peers in other nations who are marginalized into sub-mediocrity are demonstrating use of force to make these statements and it’s also great that the message is not entirely lost through media. Perhaps the UK will do something about it before it ends up in the same boat as Italy or worse yet, Greece.

We’re very fortunate in NA still, but it’s gotta happen in parts of the US with how shit it is getting some places.

The fact that you guys have so many guns will just make the head count higher. The rest will be relative.

lol. Sorry Bing but there are two things you don’t understand about the US that show in this statement; our history and our culture.

I’m not going to go into it here, but you go right ahead and keep thinking that. :slight_smile:

Citibank, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of England run the World. Our Reps in DC have been bought off and are under the control of these (and other) institutions. We don’t even have elections, we have selections. Last night on FauxNews Mitt Romney just happened to walk up to a Faux reporter while he was on the air and the reporter basically dropped to his knees. After that O’Reilly came on and laughed about Ron Paul and said he had no chance. The entire process is so corrupt it is like a thrid world nation. Until we stop the Zionist rulers we are screwed.

I am going to post this again, it is not “political” because it blames the right and the left in DC…

Our country is just as corrupt as Iran or Libya.

… And every time you post the word Zionist threads automatically get moved to Politisuck.

The truth hurts so you must hide it where no one looks? :wink:

2 words: car forum :slight_smile:

The amount of people who are part of this network and are genuinely interested in the topics you bring up is evidenced by how many view and participate in Politisuck.


ummm… isnt revolt how the US earned independence?

Yeah, but comparing the tyranny of a king to the current government doesn’t equate.

On that note the British government has reached out to the US for advice on how to handle these riots.

And it’s the anniversary of the Watts Riots today, lol.

When the last revolt happened people weren’t fat and lazy playing video games either. This country could never be built the way it was with today’s people.

people do a a lot stupider things than riot these days all over the U.S.

I’d reserve judgement :slight_smile: