Look at THIS beast

that thing is number 1

also just noticed the “evil eyes” are stick on… why do alll that wor and go with stick on eye lids… come on now

Thing runs 11s.

on a bad day

prolly wouldnt even fired out of a cannon.

The bodywork looks legit?!? Cmon man…

well, its painted normally, at least in THOSE pics. it doesnt look rattlecanned. its in bad taste, still.

There is literally almost 0 shine coming from what has to be 1-2 lightly sprayed coats of the cheapest clear they could find, not to mention the thing looks about as straight as TurboTravis’ junk :lol

i remember seeing this things build thread. im jealous


Wheels are for gheys anyways

look deferent and feel deferent you do not know how many peepul takes photo for the car every day

He needs to go back to 3rd grade

hes alsos doesnts knows hows manys peepuls endeds ups ins tears afters lookings ats its.