I am not even mad.
what killllz me is the labor and money that goes into this, unreal. fuck that things a foot wider on each side tho
Needs some wider wheels
Ohhh f*ck this guy…
i keep wondering HOW it drives. I mean the amount of drag all that stuff causes must be just unreal!
i like the rear view
WTF is it?
that thing must be so fast
i THINK it was a Taurus, now? I’m no longer aware of what it is.
People in Australia constantly fuck up cars like this. This is a really really really bad one from an already ugly car, but it doesn’t suprise me they put the effort/cash into it.
Kill it with fire.
yea. the bodywork on it looks legit too. its not cheap to do all that work. time consuming as well!
tortoise widebody
wow all i can say is wow
The spelling is what takes the cake.
Custom car look like spaceship…
you noticed that too?
have no idea what i would say seeing this thing driving down the road… looks so funny with stock wheels on it! haha