look what i traded my nismo grill for


:S whats with that spelling haha…well…i read the tv guide lmao

guys guys guys…and ladies? or lady i should say

watching porn is like hardparking your car

i rather be doing the real action then watching some limp guy try to get hard and get it on.

sorry boys, porn = FTL

porn is for the kiddies that can only imagine

ps: i don’t know how anyone could watch porn for more than 10min, after that it gets boring.

i concur

…even tho i dont really watch it lol

So does that mean you ACT instead of watch?


Sorry couldn’t resist :wink:

making porn is always fun too let’s not forget

of course not…im a virgin lol

i was just concuring with that fact that ur arguement is week

so anyone want to buy my new grill ? asking 100. reason for selling i wanna upgrade to naked barbie