looking for a t-shirt

I am going to the heart/cheap trick/JOURNEY concert on the 23rd at the NY State Fair in Syracuse. I am looking to get a journey t-shirt before i go however i cant find one that is under $20. anybody have a good place to look

1st off let me tell you that you should never be the guy who wears the tshirt of the band you’re going to see. 2nd I saw them @ Mandalay Bay a few weeks ago and it was an awesome show. The new lead singer of Journey kicks ass. Have fun.

does that mean i cant wear my motorhead shirt for the concert at the fair im going to?

you really want to be THAT guy?

PCU rules as does motorhead

actually im going to see Heaven and hell, but its a bonus motorhead is going to be there.

TRUNK tees… but it will probably cost you 80+ bucks.

don’t be that guy

its basically a cardinal sin, you can’t wear a t-shirt of the band your going to see, ESPECIALLY if you buy a t-shirt there, you can’t wear it for AT LEAST 2 weeks after the show. i mean cmon…lol

dont be that guy