Looking for an automated mouse clicker...

I have about 8 clicks that I want to do in the same order, over and over again. I tried iMacros but that does it’s clicks by website and won’t work in the java game I’m playing. I want it to click a certain spot on the screen, go to the next spot and click again.

Anyone know of a program where I can program in 8 different clicks and click “GO” and it’ll move the mouse, click and repeat over and over?

It can be a program that controls the mouse outside of firefox or a firefox add-on.

I’ve been searching for 30 minutes and am not really sure how to word my searches. Anyone know of anything? :slight_smile:

BOT’ing in World of Warcraft gets you the ban stick.

It’s just a java game. Nothing that dramatic. I’m playing it with my brother and sister online and want them to say “WTF?!” cause it’s very repetitive. LOL

It’s just a dumb game… but I’d rather watch TV while it plays itself :slight_smile:

autohotkey, its got a record function and then you can edit the recorded file to perfect the timing of the clicks if you feel the need

this, and the related autoit.

Aldo’s macro recorder used to work well for just this sort of thing.

what game?