looking for bartending job

I’m looking for a part time bartending job somewhere in the buffalo area(elmwood / delaware) would be nice but not necessary. Nothing serious just maybe 1 or 2 days a week. If anyone knows anyone or has heard anything that could put me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

I hope you have long, pretty hair and a nice rack other wise your going to have trouble finding one.

do you have ANY experience?


i might be able to help you out if you’re a chick. i’m guessing by the fact that you’re looking for a job here that you’re not.

I’ve helped out a banquet but no I don’t have any real experience. If I can find someone to at least give a chance I’m sure they wouldn’t be disappointed.

I dont live in buffalo anymore BUT what i did kin of the same boat is i got a job at the binghamton senators arena and also our local theater. Its tighter restrictions than most bars/nightclubs as to how much and how we can serve people but it give me experience plus i still walk out with 60-100 bucks for threeish hours of work. The bad i have to watch the senators play. Now its probably going to be harder to get a job at hsbc than is was for me but something to give you any experience at all would go along way. Maybe try some local bars and barback for a while?

bar backing is one of your best bets man, ive done it at zub-zero before it when to shit, and at kahunaville at the galliera

It sucks but that’s what I was thinking. I was just hoping that maybe someone knew a smaller bar that needed someone and didn’t mind my lack of experience.

I’ve got a year bartending experience (not getting any hours now, noone there is) so I’m looking for a job and even with experience it’s tough unless, like previously stated, you’re a hot female

actually the allentown elmwood area isnt like chippewa, there are a lot of guy bartenders, he might be able to get a job

Barbacking and showing your a hard worker usually helps in moving up to bartending. Where I work, if we hire you as a barback, but you have bartending experience, we allow you to pour drinks for customers when it’s busy enough.

In response to you having a pretty face, nice long hair and a great rack…most of the time, it’s not what you know, or even what you look like, its WHO you know. I’ve come across plenty of unattractive bartenders, male and female.

I could have helped you out a few months ago, my family’s bar was hiring and they were desperate for decent people … but this is also the slowest time of the year … so if the hiring game picks up again … i’ll revive your thread.

i always preferred guys serving me drinks… dumb sluts never mix a drink right (weak sauce) and always managed to put some bullshit in my beer. IE: lemons or fucking oranges in wheat beers ect… and no i’m not giving you more money b/c you showed me your cleavage.

I see many more guys bar tending, even on chippewa… pretty girls are saved for shot girls.

agreed. I wouldn’t be able to handle the dt stripe anyway. i was thinking more elmwood, allen or some small local shit bar.

that’d be great, thanks!

There is that bartending school out in kenmoore. I did it just for fun, and thought I’d apply to where I am locally now. Leaving there they helped everyone get a job that stayed in buffalo. Like 50 places will hire you if you graduate from there. Only takes 2 weeks, give you 40 hours of pouring experiance and a shit ton of drink recipe knowledge. Plus the last class is an Alcoholic Awareness class most places make you take anyways; might as well already have it done.