LOOKING for cheap daily for friend asap

HVCC? :rofl You’d be lucky to see some 250lb flabbergasted Troy slampig dressed as a honey-saturated bee during the daytime over there.


hahaha looks like i might need to go for a cruise to siena then

May be going up to the townhouses for halloween/my bday.

There’s naked chicks everyday, I can’t imagine the plethora of ass cheeks there will be.


I want to watch naked chicks. I give free rides.

Guy looks like a tool

is that really numbaonesausagegargler ? if so joey wouldnt have a problem beatin his ass . if he did get by joey id then step in lol. cossey like i said your honest and up front as i am but who is thiis jess chick ? he seams like your problem here and this cholo is just following suit from her as he prolly has a crush on this babboon ya say

he had a pretty sweet del sol too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gK7mw6gLdo



OMG so gay



heheheheheh only needs one hand to cover up his junk lolol

Why is there a woman in the mens locker room…

Don’t let deadbeat see these pics, he’d get all turned on :lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl :hug

Someone needs to get this chose together with al hasan and they should make some hellafly facebook videos

Halfway there

holy shit his myspace is amazing

D. Brown aka David Brown was born january 25th, 1989 in the Bronx Ny with his mother Gina Brown and his sister melissa brown. Growing up wasn’t easy for D. Brown, especialy with his mothers extreme drug addiction. She would get high and the slightest thing would get her off…she would blow up with anger and throw him outside on the street at the age of 5 years old at 3am in one of the worst neighborhoods around. He would eventualy be let back in to see his sister locked in the closet with tobasco sauce stained on her shirt (she would gag them with tobasco sauce) One day D. Browns mother was in her room with a man and left her drugs and lighters around within reach. Not knowing better D. Brown grabbed the lighter and accidentily set his stuffed animal on fire which spread and burned there hole apartment building down. Soon after not being able to deal with the kids anymore D. Brown and melissa were taken by there disabled grandmother which also didn’t work out. With no where else to live, there aunt who already had D. Browns other two sisters living with her offered to take them in. It was a crazy living environment and eventualy turned out bad as well. D. Brown was then put into foster care. First home D. Brown was beaten and locked in closets. after 2 years of abuse he finally left to another foster home in rockland county Ny. Soon after leaving, the father of the previous foster home was arrested for being involved in a russian gang that had commited over a dozen homicides. The next foster home was alright, but D. Brown didn’t like the idea of being in the system so he gave the agencies a hard time any chance he could get. Fed up with him after 3 years they showed up at his house at 8am on a saterday morning with two large men to send him upstate to a group home. D. Brown ran away, but was later caught by police and brought to the group home. D. Brown didn’t do so good at the group home either being the only person of white enthnicity. he was forced to fight, beatin with locks and sprayed with cologn and set on fire. That is when D. Brown starting to rap. He would rap 1 to take stress away and 2 to at least have one thing in common with the people he was living with. He would rap at school, his favorite place at the time and gained the respect of the kids in the home. Right when D. Brown saw eye to eye with the kids he was released from the home and sent back to his old foster home. a couple months later D . Brown was on the run again and decided to move back in with his aunt. Now D. Browns oldest sisters two babies living in the house as well as his other two sisters made things very difficult. A couple months later, an arguement between D. Brown and his aunt had started. D. Browns uncle ran in the room yelling and screaming and grabbed D. Brown by the throat. Defeding himself D. Brown threw him off of him and he fell back into a table breaking the table…cops arrived and saw the damage and took D. Brown into custody. D. Brown was later sent to Valhalla correctional facility. D. Brown then moved into his sisters apon release and was exposed to crack dealing, weapons, gangs, and alot more. 8 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment caused much stress for both D. Brown and his sister. One day D. Browns sister showed him a gun she had purchased and he wanted no part of it. in an arguement she called the police and told them it was his. Exploding from the bi polar disorder she suffers from, she threw all of his possetions on the floor and hung his dog from his callor and D. Brown flipped out. He quickly gathered his belongings and left. Back to the old foster home again where D. Brown attended 4 differnt schools and eventualy leaving all to attend a 3 hour a day home schooling class an hr away from where he was located. He would get up at 4am and take 4 buses to be at the library at 10am. D. Brown finally got his G.E.D. Partying and hanging out was then D. Browns life until one day driving with a couple friends he was pulled over by under cover cops. they searched the car and found a large quantity of marijuana. They were all arested. once D. Brown got out, he moved upstate where he presently works on his music to make his dream of becoming a hiphop artist come true.

Read more: D. Brown Official Myspace Page | Listen and Stream Free Music, Albums, New Releases, Photos, Videos


i fucking KNEW he was from the city.

Looks like Singh has some competition!! :rofl


hahah I noticed a week ago he edited alot of his posts with a “.”… but that must have gotten boring becasue he stopped at like 4 pages in on his recent posts. I knew right there somethign was up and he was trying to hide something. Not to mention if you got caught and taken to court, vlad or cossey could pull edit logs and prove the shit you said and were trying to hide anyway! Once you hit SUBMIT, your as good as fucked.

this shit he got himself into started WAY befor Cossey got “called out”.

Nice try at changing your dumb fucking name too… becasue admins cant check IP’s vs screen names riggght???

Face it, your a scumbag from a scumbag upbringing… everything YOU posted up about YOURSELF on the internet, myspace wanna be rapper shit, body building gay shit, and on here dug your own grave man. When you have prior arrests and did the shit you say you did you posted up about yourself on your myspace… if I were a local police officer, your dumb ass face and name would be on my dash board watching your ass too.

face it, you fucked up and tried to point the finger at someone on here doing better than you becasue they are honest and good people.

you loose. and once again, SHIFT518 WINS!