Looking for clear side markers

Searched, didnt find shit.

Anyone have clear side markers on there car? They look great, NO idea where to find them. Can you just decolour the ones on your car?

I would even buy them from CrappyTire if they fit.

For what car? i have a couple of sites i use for things like that maybe they’ll help…


Hope this helps…

Sorry, for 89 240!

and I want clear

Side markers? Front side markers? If so, Mercedes Benz M class SUV side markers. Then you have to modify your front fenders for them to fit. RS13 and myself have done it.

i did that too, they are 17 bucks each. ask for benz ML side markers. to make them fit you need to grind out the hole a bit bigger.

SWEET! Im gonna stop by a stealership today. Thanks

Its the sidemarkers off a ML320, and these sidemarkers have certainly gone up in price…the first time I bought them it was 8.00/piece…mine broke so I had to get them again and they jacked them up to 17, they said so many Nissan owners were buyin them, that they wanted to make profit

I tried findin the exact part # for the sidemarkers but the linkie at Zilvia.net doesnt work anymore

Does anyone have a pic of these? Wondering if i can do it…

So all I need to do is make the hole bigger and they will fit? Seems easy enough.

Id like to do this before paint heh…

Yeah lets see a pic!

if your looking for euro style side markers go to EH Electronics on Gateway… its in the mini mallish type building across the street from the dodge delarship and a lil north of the DOMO…

sorry i dont know the real address and im to lazy to see if they have a webstie…

There is a site out there somewhere with the step by step on how to do it. Pics and all. Can’t remember where I had it. I think I have it bookmarked at home. When I get off work, I can look for it.

It’s about as straight forward as it gets. Direct wire in, dremel or file the hole until fit (trial and error) but just a little at a time. Trim the light a bit. And you’re done.

theres a pic of them on my car. all you have to do is take a grinder or something and make the whole a bit bigger. theres some edges on the lights you might need to grind off as well to help them fit…



And if you want to take out the amber condom thingie its a bitch, I ended up cracking my sidemarkers just trying to get it out so now I just left the amber in, but if your happy with the amber then no worries

any specific years of m-class or are they all the same?

I believe they are all the same. Of course, the chasis before the newest one now.