looking for furniture

just out of the military and coming back home to the burgh area looking to try to get some furniture together please let me know what you have and how much you would like for it. also please dont waste my time with shit or telling me to go look on craigslist im not an idiot.

what do you need…

wht part of the military. i am in the army and will be medically retired next week

Want new shit or used? My uncle owns a moving and storage company and has a small furniture company on the side, might be able to make you a deal if your looking for newer stuff?

My parents just downsized from a seven bedroom house, they are having an estate sale this Sat, and whatever is leftover is going to be best offer. Couple of couches, nice end tables and coffee table, antique table, futon bed w/ two futton pads, a few appliances, some other generic stuff, you can preview at the estate sale if you want and either grab it there or wait till after and see what’s left…

Estate sale? You mean they are having a yard sale. Estate sale is usually for someone that dies and the kids or whomever sell of the stuff because they don’t want/need it?

No they hired an estate sale company to come in and set it up. It’s not just for a death. It’s very common to have when moving parents into assisted living and no one know what to do with everything. broken down this kind of estate sale is like a glorified yard sale but with better results, there are actually groups of old people who show up at 7:30 waiting for them to get started… the company doing this one for my parents are www.goldenestatesales.com the house is on 329 cedar rd
I’m the second oldest of 7 kids, and my folks are pack rats… they just moved into a 3 bedroom townhouse, and have been forced to un pack rat…

Oh ok, I got ya. Good call. Wish I could do that with some of my grandmothers shit. She is living in one of my rental properties and is trying to stuff as much shit as possible into a 700sqft house. It sucks.

I hear ya, I kinda wish that my folks woulda found a different place to rent from, I’m part of the Property Management group that watches over their townhouse… the guy who used to handle just left the company, and It’s been handed over to me… They have way too much stuff in their townhome,

Yeah, but you know how it is. It’s basically impossible to tell people, especially older people, that they have too much shit. They just don’t want to hear it.

I know! the stuff my parents have is the leftovers… the stuff they couldn’t part with… My dad just threw out a check stub from the first check he ever wrote in the early 60’s!!! c’mon now why would you need to keep a check stub over 40 years!!!

anyways back on-topic 2001r6 if you still need stuff next week get a hold of me and I can let you know if there is anything work having after the estate sale…

yea to answer the questions and what not i was in the army i got medically boarded out for a number of major back problems i guess thats what happens when you go infantry…

anyways yes im looking for newer furniture i dont want the ghetto fabulous stuff offered on craigslist which is why i didnt want anyone to bother me with that… heres what i have a 52 inch tv a bed i need everything else to fill a 2 bedroom house in shaler im looking to buy… please guys i dont have a ton of money but i do have some and any and all help is greatly appriciated i am capable of picking anything you have to offer up at your convenience thank all of you a head of time its much appriciated

damn, where was this post 3 weeks ago. I have a whole living room set thats 2 years old sitting in storage down here. For the price I am paying for storage for the next year, I could have sold it for that. Never really thought about it though.

Good luck w/your move.

same here bro. hit me up when you get home. i can help with VA and stuff.
where are you coming from. i am coming from FT Dix

PM dyingwish, I know he had some stuff that he was looking to get rid of. Full size couch, love seat, and a dining room set I believe.

coming from fort hood i was with 2bde 4id 1 67ar. i got my va claim started when i was down there and am just waiting on the paper work i am back in pennsylvania right now. staying with the parents till i get some furniture and stuff so i can get out of here thanks for offering the help

Sent you PM

anyone out there have like a kitchen table and chairs ???