Looking for old USB/PCMCIA Wireless network adapters

This would be more for the tech nerds out there in Pittspeed land… yesterday I covered about 1/3 of my block in a hotspot. My sister moved to the house across the street from my house, so instead of paying 2 internet bills each month I just lit up the area for wireless. My house is wired pretty hard core for ethernet, but my garage and my sister’s house is not. So I need a wireless connection of some sort for my laptop. I had a WPC11 PCMCIA card but it died. When I connect it, it lights up all the lights for about 2 secs then nothing. So does anyone have any old wireless equipment they can part with? Maybe some older 802.11b and want to go with G?

Guy at work here is selling a Belkin 802.11b router and 2 PCMCIA cards for $100. IM me if interested.

i might have a wap and an extender! lemme check around

walmart had a sale on the g router for like 45 bucks!

usb wireless adapters are teh suck

I just need a cheap USB or PCMCIA card… I just setup 3 802.11g APs so I’m good on APs… and I only need the one for my laptop for the occasional times I use my laptop in the garage or for some reason if I need to configure an AP that looses connection or something.

I just used an Alchemy firmware and that let my WRT54G’s work in WDS mode. I have my origional one that I use to route my DSL, then I have one setup as a repeater in my garage (half way point between the two houses) and another in my sister’s house. Her Tivo and PC are both wireless and those are the only devices she has that use wireless. I hated spending $70 on a wireless router from the get-go, let alone buying another one (my sister bought the AP in her house and her wireless adapter). wired > wireless. So I’m in the hole $140 or so and don’t even have any wireless devices that I use regularly… but my truck isn’t done yet either :naughty:

My neighborhood is a war driver’s dream.

Lock that shit dooooown son!

I can get you a Linksys or Belkin b card for $30

I said DREAM, not reality :mrT:

I may try to find a WPC11 in a retail store, buy it, and return my broke one. Not yoo many of them carry this anymore as it’s old news in the wireless front. Old B cards are in the $25 - $30 range on eBay. If I don’t find anything else I may take that Linksys off your hands.